
Simple custom sequence generator. Supports InMemory , Text File and MSSQL storage

Primary LanguageC#


Build status Codacy Badge

Is a custom sequence generator. Supports InMemory , Text File and MSSQL storage. Developers can also create their own storage providers.


It can be used to generate a custom ID using a pre-defined and configurable format.

Sequence Configuration

Properties :

  1. Fomat - The generated string format. ( see Format Examples )
  2. ApplicationName - Optional setting storing the name of the application using it.
  3. SequenceLenght - The lenght of the generated sequence number.
  4. FillerCharacter - The characer used to pad the generated sequence
  5. Date - If needed, the date to be used by the Generator. The default is current system date.

Sample Usage in Code :

SequenceConfiguration conf = new SequenceConfiguration()
  Format = "N",
  ApplicationName = "Test App",
  SequenceLenght = 5,
  Date = DateTime.Now

Generator gen = new Generator(conf);

Storage Providers

Storage providers provides the persistence object for the sequence. The library provides 3 simple storage providers :

  1. InMemoryStorage - the sequence is only stored in memory.
InMemoryStorage storage1 = new InMemoryStorage(); // Sequence starts at 1
InMemoryStorage storage2 = new InMemoryStorage(100); // Sequence starts at 100

Generator gen = new Generator(storage1, conf);
  1. TextFileStorage - the sequence will be written on a text file in clear text.
TextFileStorage fileStorage1 = new TextFileStorage("C:\\Data\\Example.id"); // Starts at 1 , storage at filename provided
TextFileStorage fileStorage1 = new TextFileStorage("C:\\Data\\Example.id",10); // Starts at 10
  1. MSSQLStorage - the sequence is stored in MSSQL database. The table SIMPLEIDSEQUENCE with 1 field [id] must be created else the sequence returned will alwys be 1 or the starting count set at constructor.
MSSQLStorage _msSqlStorage = new MSSQLStorage(@"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Integrated Security=True");
MSSQLStorage _msSqlStorage = new MSSQLStorage(@"Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=TestDB;Integrated Security=True",50);

Generated Sequence Format Examples

Format Notations :

  1. N - the sequence number
  2. Y - System Year ( 4 digits)
  3. M - System Month (2 Digits )
  4. D - System Day ( 2 Digits )
  5. 0...9 - Custom Values to be passed on the GenerateID call
  6. {....} - Any value in between brackets will be included as is.

Example: (Assume sequence = 00003 and custom values = {"AAA","BBB","CCC"}

  1. N - "00001"
  2. 0N1 - "AAA00001BBB"
  3. Y-N{TEST} - "2017-00005TEST"

Sample Code See Example project.

Minimum Target Framework

  • .NET Framework 4.5