
All tutoring related information

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Tutoring and Notes

This repository severs as a store for all tutoring and notes material.

I offer tutoring lessons at SuperProf, the link to my profile is here Travis Dawson Please note this repository serves as a source of information, and examples to guide and help people understand concepts. The information within this notebook is to in no way enable or support plagiarism.

Repository Structure


Within this directory are sets of Python exersizes. These are to provide additional practice when going through the Getting started with Python notebook and the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) notebook.

Java Swing

This directory serves as a selection of Java Swing demos, each coded with explicit commenting to help make sense of using Java Swing.

Currently available demos include:

  • Button action listener linking and action execution


This directory serves to contain all math related documents, laying the foundations of Calculus and providing exersizes. Additionally, the documents contain exersizes that make use of mathematical based algorithms and solutions to problems. Including, but not limited to:

  • Root finding algorithms including (Bisection method, secant method, etc) Note: This directory is still under development.


The notebooks directory is a diverse store of notebooks that allow for direct visualization and explanation of findings. Current topics within notebooks include:

  • Architecture Exploration
    • A brief insight into the applicability of image processing methodologies into the realm of architecture.
  • Data Collection
    • A introductory, instruction, and example notebook detailing the scraping of web data using the SerpAPI API platform
  • Getting started with Python
    • A notebook covering and explaining the basics of Python, including exersizes.
  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • This notebook introduces the concept of OOP within Python through detailed explanations and multiple code examples.


This directory contains resources related to varied topics which you may find interesting: Contained within this directory is the following:

  • Books and Articles Relating to the Ethics and Morality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science


The tools directory is to share cheat-sheets and knowledge on useful tools that I have encountered and use regularly to make my studies, and work efficients and easier.

The tools list currently includes:

Additional Resources and Projects:

Intro to Genetic Algorithm

A genetic algorithm is an algorithm that copies the process of evolution to solve complex problems. It starts with different solutions and leverages the process of reproduction and mutation over time to create the best solution. It's like a digital puzzle solver that learns from nature's tricks to crack complex puzzles in areas like planning routes and improving models.

The repository can be found at the following link: https://github.com/trav-d13/Genetic-Algorithm-Intro