
The Python SDK for the Kloudless Platform

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python library for the Kloudless API

Python library for the Kloudless API. This is in beta and under significant development.


To install, clone the repository and run:

python setup.py install

You may also install via pip:

pip install https://github.com/kloudless/kloudless-python/archive/master.zip


See the Kloudless API Docs for the official reference. You can obtain an API Key at the Developer Portal, or use an authenticated user's Bearer token.


Configure Kloudless using the configure method on the kloudless module:

>>> import kloudless
>>> kloudless.configure(token="BEARER TOKEN")
>>> # Or:
>>> kloudless.configure(api_key="API_KEY")

Here are the configuration options:

  • api_key The Kloudless API Key. Will be used instead of the Bearer Token if both are provided.
  • dev_key The Kloudless Developer Key. Used to access the Management API.
  • token A Kloudless account's Bearer token.
  • api_version The API version. (default: 0)
  • base_url The API Server's URL. (default: https://api.kloudless.com)
  • throttle_retry_strategy: Defaults to retrying a request with exponential fallback if it is rate-limited, or by checking the Retry-After header in the response. Set to None to never retry. You can also set this to your own sub-class to handle retries in some custom manner. See throttling.py for more information.


Here are some of the popular resource classes available:

  • Account
  • File
  • Folder
  • Link
  • Search
  • Recent
  • Events
  • Multipart
  • Property
  • Permission
  • CRMObject

A full list can be viewed in resources.py.

Each class has the following methods where applicable:

  • create(**data) makes a POST request to create a resource of that type.
  • all(**params) makes a GET request to list all resources
  • retrieve(id, **params) makes a GET request to retrieve metadata for that resource.

In addition, instances have the methods below where applicable:

  • save(**params) makes a PATCH request to update the resource after attributes on it have been modified.
  • delete(**params) makes a DELETE request to delete the resource.

Parameters mentioned above:

  • id: The ID of the resource.
  • params: Keyword arguments that will be converted into query parameters for the request.
  • data: Keyword arguments that will be converted into a JSON string sent in the body of the request.

Accessing nested resources

The Account model has some helper attributes to make using class methods easier. For example:

  • links references the Link class
  • files references the File class
  • folders references the Folder class
  • search references the Search class
  • recent references the Recent class
  • events references the Events class
  • multipart references the Multipart class

A full list can be viewed under the Account class in resources.py.



Here is an example retrieving metadata on a folder in an account:

>>> import kloudless; kloudless.configure(api_key="API_KEY")
>>> accounts = kloudless.Account.all()
>>> account = accounts[0]
>>> root_folder = account.folders()
>>> children = root_folder.contents()
>>> child_folder = [f for f in children if f.type == 'folder'][0]

The shortcut method account.folders is used above, but you can also instantiate the classes above independently:

>>> root_folder = kloudless.Folder(id='root', parent_resource=account)

There are different ways to retrieve information on a resource, given it's ID. Here are some examples, given account_id and child_folder_id as the account and folder IDs respectively.

# We need to create the account object with an account ID first.
>>> account = kloudless.Account(id=account_id)

# Get the child folder via the "account.folders" helper method.
>>> account.folders.retrieve(id=child_folder_id)

# Retrieve the child folder a different way
>>> kloudless.Folder.retrieve(id=child_folder.id, parent_resource=account)

# Retrieve the child folder another way
>>> f = kloudless.Folder(id=child_folder.id, parent_resource=account)
>>> f.refresh() # Pulls latest metadata given the ID.

Another example retrieving link information a few different ways:

# A few different ways
>>> link = kloudless.Link.all(parent_resource=account)[0]
>>> link = account.links.retrieve(id=link.id)
>>> link = kloudless.Link.retrieve(id=link.id, parent_resource=account)
>>> link = kloudless.Link(id=link.id); link.refresh();

Moving a file

Here's an example moving a file from one account to a folder in a different account.

# Get two cloud storage accounts.
>>> accounts = kloudless.Account.all();
>>> accounts[0].id
>>> accounts[1].id

# Find a file in the first account.
>>> root_contents = accounts[0].folders().contents() # Get the root folder contents
>>> f = [f for f in root_contents if f.type == 'file'][0] # Get a file

# Find a folder in the second account.
>>> root_contents = accounts[1].folders().contents()
>>> folder = [folder for folder in root_contents if folder.type == 'folder'][0]

# Update the file with new information
>>> f.account = accounts[1].id # Moving it to a different account
>>> f.name = 'new file name.txt'
>>> f.parent_id = folder.id
>>> f.save() # Makes the request to move the file.

# 'f' now represents the new file object.

Apps using the Python SDK


To install test dependencies, run pip install -r tests/requirements.txt.

The tests are written using py.test and can be run like so (from within this directory):

pip install tox

Integration Tests

Integration tests are seperate and can be run collectively or independently within the tests/integration/ directory, with an appropriate API_KEY set in the environment. Here is a full list of environment variables that can be used to configure the tests:

API_KEY: Required. The API Key to use.

DEV_KEY: Required if testing the Management API. The Developer Key to use.

BASE_URL: Optional. Defaults to 'https://api.kloudless.com'. Configures the base URL to use for tests.

SERVICES: Optional. A comma-separated list of service names to restrict the services tested.

ACCOUNTS: Optional. A comma-separated list of account IDs to restrict the accounts tested.

REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE: Optional. If pointing to a BASE_URL secured with a non-trusted root CA certificate, this environment variable can be pointed to the certificate to trust. See http://docs.python-requests.org/en/latest/user/advanced/#ssl-cert-verification for more information.

RUN_LONG_TESTS: Optional. Defaults to a Falsey value. If Truthy, tests which take an extended period of time to run (due to waiting/sleeping), will be included.


API_KEY='...' python test.py
API_KEY='...' python test_cases/test_link.py
API_KEY='...' SERVICES='dropbox' python test_cases/test_link.py
API_KEY='...' SERVICES='dropbox,s3,box' python test.py
DEV_KEY='...' BASE_URL='...' python management_api/test_application.py
API_KEY='...' DEV_KEY='...' BASE_URL='...' python test.py

An account for each service will be obtained from the API to run tests for.


  • Expand documentation.
  • Distribute via package server.
  • Fix moving files/folders between folders.


  • requests makes the API requests easy.
  • stripe-python was a useful resource while researching the interface for this API.