Salesforce PushTopics to Kafka
This simple app uses the Salesforce Streaming API to listen for events in Salesforce and then sends them to Kafka.
Cloud Setup
In Salesforce, create a PushTopic using the Execute Anonymous Apex feature in the Developer Console:
PushTopic pushTopic = new PushTopic(); pushTopic.Name = 'chatter'; pushTopic.Query = 'SELECT Id, Name FROM Contact'; pushTopic.ApiVersion = 36.0; pushTopic.NotifyForOperationCreate = true; pushTopic.NotifyForOperationUpdate = true; pushTopic.NotifyForOperationUndelete = true; pushTopic.NotifyForOperationDelete = true; pushTopic.NotifyForFields = 'Referenced'; insert pushTopic;
Add TOPIC environment variable
heroku config:set TOPIC=chatter -a <YOUR_APP>
Add the Heroku Kafka Addon to the app
heroku addons:add heroku-kafka -a <YOUR_APP>
If you are using this app as part of the Dotnet kafka consumer app then attach the Kafka instance created there
heroku addons:attach <OTHER_APP_NAME>::KAFKA -a <THIS_APP_NAME>
Install the Kafka plugin into the Heroku CLI
heroku plugins:install heroku-kafka
Wait for Kafka to be provisioned:
heroku kafka:wait -a <YOUR_APP>
If not create as part of the Dotnet consumer app, add a new Kafka topic:
heroku kafka:topics:create chatter --partitions 32 -a <YOUR_APP>
Watch the Kafka log
heroku kafka:topics:tail chatter -a <YOUR_APP>
Make a change to a Contact in Salesforce and you should see the event in the Kafka log.
Local Setup
This uses the same Kafka system as above.
Clone the source:
git clone
Setup a
file with the necessary info:heroku config -s > .env echo "SALESFORCE_USERNAME=<YOUR SALESFORCE USERNAME>" >> .env echo "SALESFORCE_PASSWORD=<YOUR SALESFORCE PASSWORD>" >> .env set -o allexport source .env set +o allexport
Run the app:
./activator ~run