
ValueError: file not exist: training/velodyne/000000.bin

darkdevahm opened this issue · 2 comments

I have downloaded the right dataset, and was tring to prepare the kitti dataset and placed it in the right path however I get this error:

ValueError: file not exist: training/velodyne/000000.bin

The data I downloaded from kitti is assembled into folders each folder contains hundreds of bin files.
any ideas how to fix this?
Kitti dataset I have downloaded is from the /object/object 3D in the kitti website


I have same error. Did u find a solving procedure?

Change following 4 lines in to pass absolute path of your train.txt, test.txt, val.txt and trainval.txt from ImageSets folder.
Screenshot from 2022-08-24 12-44-21
For example, in my case its,