
config files - need explanation (fhd vs largea vs lowa vs mhead vs mida), differences between config files, how to choose, etc.

CDahmsSpireon opened this issue · 1 comments

Can somebody explain the naming of the config files?

I gather all means detects all objects (car, pedestrian, cyclist, etc.) vs car means only detects cars. Also I gather pp is short for PointPillars. But what are the other abbreviations? For example what do the following mean:


I'm under the impression that if I'm using the nuScenes set I should choose a config file in second.pytorch/second/configs/nuscenes whereas if I'm using the Kitti set I should choose a config file in second.pytorch/second/configs or second.pytorch/second/configs/pointpillars is this correct?

Also within second.pytorch/second/configs/pointpillars what is pp_pretrain.config, does pretrain mean it should not be used for training? Also in, for example, second.pytorch/second/configs/pointpillars/car, what are the xyres_xx.config files and what is the advantage/disadvantage of using them vs the others?

Some general explanation of the config file organization and naming would be greatly appreciated.

hi all, I am also much appreciated it if someone could explain this.