
A library of Redux utilities to reduce some boilerplate in my common patterns

MIT LicenseMIT


A library of Redux utilities to reduce (pun intended) the boilerplate/repetition, while still keeping containers/actions/reducers/selectors separate. It is meant to be used with React.

This library is still only at a concept stage.

This library is built on top of two other small libraries, which must be installed as peer dependencies:

  • react-redux
  • redux-actions
/* Component.js */

import { pick, simpleConnect } from 'redux-shine';

import * as someSelectors from '../../selectors/someSelectors';
import * as someActions from '../../actions/someActions';
import * as otherActions from '../../actions/otherActions';

const selectors = pick(someSelectors, ['activeModal', 'errors', 'hours', 'progress']);

const actions = {
  ...pick(someActions, ['createTodo']),
  ...pick(otherActions, ['logout'])

const Component = (props) => (
  <button onClick={props.createTodo(props.hours))}

export default simpleConnect(selectors, actions)(Component);
/* someActions.js */

import { asyncAction, directAction, LOADING } from 'redux-shine';

export const knockDoor = directAction('KNOCK_DOOR');

export const createTodo = asyncAction(
  async (text, dueDate, { broadcast, dispatch, getState }) => {
    try {
      const todo = await someAPICall({ text, dueDate });
    } catch (err) {


import { actionHandler } from 'redux-shine';

import { createTodo } from '../someActions';

const initState = {
  errMsg: null,
  latestTodo: null,
  latestUpdate: null,
  loading: false

export default actionHandler(initState, {
  [createTodo]: createTodoHandler,

/* Action Handlers */

function createTodoHandler ({ state, cargo, err, loading, meta }) {
  return {
    errMsg: err ? err.message : state.errMsg,
    latestTodo: cargo || state.latestTodo,
    latestUpdate: cargo ? meta.latestUpdate : state.latestUpdate,


import { actionHandler, replaceWith } from 'redux-shine';

import { createTodo } from '../someActions';

export default actionHandler({
  [createTodo]: asyncReducer(createTodoHandler)
}, {} /* optional, this is the default initState */);

/* Action Handlers */

function createTodoHandler ({ state, cargo, err, loading, meta }) {
  if (cargo) {
    return {
      [cargo.id]: cargo       // adds or replaces entity [cargo.id]

  // or

  let newState = { ...state };
  delete newState[cargo.id];
  return replaceWith(newState); // deletes entity [cargo.id] from our entity store

  // or

  return replaceWith({});       // replaces the whole entity store with the provided argument

  // or

  return;                       //  return nothing, or any falsy = no state change