DevOps assessment terraform

This is the template you can use to do the Terraform part of the devops assessment. Like the other repo, don't fork it, clone it locally and create your own repo to avoid be listed in the fork list and expose your work to others.

What is expected

We should be able to request the application using the DNS of an external load balancer on port 80. (443 not needed).

These are the services you have access to:

  • Full ECS permissions
  • Full EC2 permissions
  • Full LoadBalancer (ELB/ELBv2) permissions
  • Full VPC permissions
  • Read-only access to IAM role 'ecsTaskExecutionRole'
  • Permissions to manage IAM credentials for yourself


  • A basic working VPC is already in place in AWS, you can build on top of it.
  • You don't have access to S3, so use a local state file or store remote states somewhere else.
  • Right now only 2 replicas are accepted due to service limits. Don't try to deploy more.
  • Keep in mind that Fargate needs to reach outside the VPC to download the containers from ECR. A CannotPullContainerError is not only a permission error. There are two ways to achieve this, all seem fine to us.
  • There is a role called ecsTaskExecutionRole available and can be used as execution role of the tasks.
  • Remember that if you're having issues, you can always deploy services manually in AWS and then import your resources in terraform.
  • Don't prepare CI/CD workflow for this project, just share the code with us.
  • We encourage you to be verbose and write comments, that will be very useful for us, especially if you don't have time to complete the full assessment.