
Tetrapak plugin for dependency management

Primary LanguageErlang

================ ~~ tetrapak_deps

tetrapak_deps is a plugin for managing dependencies beetween Erlang/OTP applications. This is alpha software. Feel free open an issue.


Ensure you have installed erlang ( >= R15 ), git and curl


curl https://raw.github.com/travelping/tetrapak_deps/master/installer.sh | sh

For people, that have a problem with cloning repos with sudo, please use cloner.sh, build_install.sh extern and see installer.sh for more information on use.


deps = [
    {yang,      {github, "travelping/yang", "7454882e0040298cc7708b6e7e32c7d9ea9eec3e"}}

It is possible to define shortcuts in tetrapak_deps.app configuration or in application configuration:

shortcuts = [{github, git, "https://github.com/"}]

At the moment only git supported.