
This repository hosts benchmarks for measuring the performance of the TravelTime endpoints. Find out more at

Gain access

First, obtain an App ID and an API key from

You will need to email or book a demo at to gain access to TimeFilterFast(Proto).

Running K6 Tests with Docker

The simplest way to run these benchmarks is to use docker:


docker run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e //optional
    -e LOCATION='GB/London' //optional
    -e TRANSPORTATION='driving+ferry' //optional
    -e DATA_PATH='../precomputed/origins.csv' // optional, this will read coordinates from a file instead of randomly generating them
    -e TRAVEL_TIME=7200 //optional
    -e RPM=60 // optional
    -e TEST_DURATION=3 //optional, benchmark duration in minutes (not including warmup)
    -e UNIQUE_REQUESTS=100 //optional int, the number of unique requests that should be generated
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/time-map.js


docker run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e //optional
    -e LOCATION='GB/London' //optional
    -e TRANSPORTATION='driving+ferry' //optional
    -e DATA_PATH='../precomputed/origins.csv' // optional, this will read coordinates from a file instead of randomly generating them
    -e TRAVEL_TIME=7200 //optional
    -e LEVEL_OF_DETAILS=2 // optional
    -e RPM=60 // optional
    -e TEST_DURATION=3 //optional, benchmark duration in minutes (not including warmup)
    -e ARRIVAL_TIME_PERIOD='weekday_morning' //optional
    -e UNIQUE_REQUESTS=100 //optional int, the number of unique requests that should be generated
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/time-map.js


docker run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e //optional
    -e LOCATION='GB/London' //optional
    -e TRANSPORTATION='driving+ferry' //optional
    -e DATA_PATH='../precomputed/origins.csv' // optional, this will read coordinates from a file instead of randomly generating them
    -e TRAVEL_TIME=7200 //optional
    -e DESTINATIONS=50 // optional
    -e RANGE=600 //optional
    -e RPM=60 // optional
    -e TEST_DURATION=3 //optional, benchmark duration in minutes (not including warmup)
    -e UNIQUE_REQUESTS=100 //optional int, the number of unique requests that should be generated
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/time-filter.js


docker run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e //optional
    -e LOCATION='GB/London' //optional
    -e TRANSPORTATION='driving+ferry' //optional
    -e DATA_PATH='../precomputed/routes.csv' // optional, this will read coordinates from a file instead of randomly generating them
    -e RPM=60 // optional
    -e TEST_DURATION=3 //optional, benchmark duration in minutes (not including warmup)
    -e UNIQUE_REQUESTS=100 //optional int, the number of unique requests that should be generated
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/routes.js


docker run 
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e DESTINATIONS=50 // optional
    -e MANY_TO_ONE // optional
    -e // optional
    -e TRANSPORTATION=driving+ferry // optional
    -e DATA_PATH='../precomputed/origins.csv' // optional, this will read coordinates from a file instead of randomly generating them
    -e LOCATION='UK/London' // optional
    -e RPM=60 // optional
    -e TEST_DURATION=3 //optional, benchmark duration in minutes (not including warmup)
    -e TRAVEL_TIME=7200 // optional
    -e UNIQUE_REQUESTS=100 //optional int, the number of unique requests that should be generated
    -e DISABLE_DECODING="true" // optional flag, skips proto response decoding if set to "true"
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/time-filter-proto.js


docker run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e //optional
    -e QUERY='Parliament square' //optional
    -e WITHIN_COUNTRY='gb' //optional, only return the results that are within the specified country
    -e LIMIT=50 //optional, limits amount of results returned to specified number (1 to 50)
    -e FORCE_ADD_POSTCODE='true' //optional, forcefully adds postcode to search response. Only works if Switzerland as CH is specified as the value of the parameter.
    -e FORMAT_NAME='true' //optional, format the name field to a well formatted address
    -e FORMAT_EXCLUDE_COUNTRY='true' //optional, exclude the country from the formatted name field (used only if is equal true).
    -e BOUNDS='54.16243,4.04297,71.18316,31.81641' //optional, limit the results to a bounding box
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/routes.js


docker run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    -e //optional
    -e LAT='51.4952113' //optional, latitude
    -e LNG='-0.183122' //optional, longitude
    -ti igeolise/traveltime-k6-benchmarks:latest k6 run scripts/routes.js

Running K6 Tests Locally

Install K6

k6 run
    -e APP_ID={APP_ID}
    -e API_KEY={API_KEY}
    ...other ENV (-e) vars...


All used metrics are described here:

  • http_req_duration - Total time for the request (how long did the remote server take to process the request and respond, without the initial DNS lookup/connection times)
  • http_req_sending - Time spent sending data to the remote host
  • http_req_receiving - Time spent receiving response data from the remote host

Supported Countries

  • Supported locations for normal requests are listed in the locations/locations_data.csv file.
  • Supported locations for proto requests are listed in the locations/proto_locations_data.csv file.

If you want to add a new location, simply append the csv files.

NOTE 1: When adding a new proto location, please specify the ISO2 country code in the beginning, like it's done everywhere else. It's neccessary for the request. Example: 'GB/London'.

NOTE 2: Proto requests support a much more limited amount of countries.

To see a list of all supported countries, send map-info request (Postman) to

Transport modes

time-map, time-map-fast, time-filter, routes




Running proto benchmarks locally

  1. Install xk6: go install
  2. Export path: export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH
  3. Build: xk6 build --with --with
  4. Run: ./k6 run -e APP_ID={APP_ID} -e API_KEY={API_KEY} -e HOST={HOST} scripts/{proto-benchmark-file}.js

Benchmark results:

t2.medium (2 vCPUs, 2.3 GHz, 4 GiB RAM, Low to Moderate network speed)

5000 destinations

  checks.................: 100.00% ✓ 1628   ✗ 0  
  data_received..........: 44 MB   136 kB/s
  data_sent..............: 82 MB   257 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration......: avg=170.71ms min=129.8ms  max=243.75ms p(90)=195.18ms p(95)=207.66ms
✓ http_req_receiving.....: avg=3.08ms   min=75.76µs  max=70.64ms  p(95)=20.17ms 
✓ http_req_sending.......: avg=702.06µs min=163.23µs max=27.65ms  p(90)=433.48µs p(95)=4.14ms  

10000 destinations

  checks................: 100.00% ✓ 1628   ✗ 0  
  data_received.........: 44 MB   136 kB/s
  data_sent.............: 82 MB   257 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration.....: avg=172.66ms min=138.54ms max=256.05ms p(90)=198.56ms p(95)=210.49ms
✓ http_req_receiving....: avg=2.72ms   min=98.06µs  max=32.23ms  p(90)=5.94ms   p(95)=19.12ms 
✓ http_req_sending......: avg=1.19ms   min=144.5µs  max=23.15ms  p(90)=3.51ms   p(95)=6.38ms  

25000 destinations

  checks................: 100.00% ✓ 1628   ✗ 0  
  data_received.........: 44 MB   136 kB/s
  data_sent.............: 82 MB   257 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration.....: avg=194.7ms  min=161.1ms  max=288.05ms p(90)=232.02ms p(95)=242.05ms
✓ http_req_receiving....: avg=8.17ms   min=152.56µs max=80.11ms  p(90)=23.09ms  p(95)=46.15ms 
✓ http_req_sending......: avg=15.25ms  min=11.19ms  max=57.39ms  p(90)=21.06ms  p(95)=22.85ms 

100000 destinations

  checks...............: 100.00% ✓ 1628   ✗ 0  
  data_received........: 44 MB   136 kB/s
  data_sent............: 82 MB   257 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration....: avg=234.59ms min=203.12ms max=300.75ms p(90)=257.02ms p(95)=279.58ms
✓ http_req_receiving...: avg=7.34ms   min=424.64µs max=51.96ms  p(90)=14.41ms  p(95)=24.98ms 
✓ http_req_sending.....: avg=45.98ms  min=42.91ms  max=63.48ms  p(90)=54.15ms  p(95)=57.37ms 

m6i.xlarge (4 vCPUs, 3.5 GHz, 16 GiB RAM, Up to 12.5 Gigabit network speed)

5000 destinations

  checks.................: 100.00% ✓ 1756   ✗ 0  
  data_received..........: 51 MB   157 kB/s
  data_sent..............: 96 MB   298 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration......: avg=167.3ms  min=137.71ms max=376.6ms  p(90)=180.37ms p(95)=186.33ms
✓ http_req_receiving.....: avg=227.48µs min=54.42µs  max=25.04ms  p(90)=128.9µs  p(95)=554.96µs
✓ http_req_sending.......: avg=161.55µs min=92.66µs  max=548.16µs p(90)=196.87µs p(95)=223.44µs

10000 destinations

  checks................: 100.00% ✓ 1756   ✗ 0  
  data_received.........: 51 MB   157 kB/s
  data_sent.............: 96 MB   298 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration.....: avg=167.28ms min=136.7ms  max=286.89ms p(90)=179.34ms p(95)=187.72ms
✓ http_req_receiving....: avg=1.29ms   min=117.9µs  max=20.42ms  p(90)=1.95ms   p(95)=3.71ms  
✓ http_req_sending......: avg=188.3µs  min=118.36µs max=3.73ms   p(90)=203.7µs  p(95)=227.62µs

25000 destinations

  checks................: 100.00% ✓ 1756   ✗ 0  
  data_received.........: 51 MB   157 kB/s
  data_sent.............: 96 MB   298 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration.....: avg=191.41ms min=152.33ms max=267.06ms p(90)=217.06ms p(95)=239.51ms
✓ http_req_receiving....: avg=7.62ms   min=137.34µs max=76.98ms  p(90)=10.53ms  p(95)=44.92ms 
✓ http_req_sending......: avg=11.92ms  min=11.39ms  max=24.34ms  p(90)=12.12ms  p(95)=12.51ms 

100000 destinations

  checks...............: 100.00% ✓ 1756   ✗ 0  
  data_received........: 51 MB   157 kB/s
  data_sent............: 96 MB   298 kB/s
✓ http_req_duration....: avg=224.92ms min=200.23ms max=336.37ms p(90)=253.82ms p(95)=271.77ms
✓ http_req_receiving...: avg=6.58ms   min=3.95ms   max=32.25ms  p(90)=9.03ms   p(95)=14.04ms 
✓ http_req_sending.....: avg=43.76ms  min=42.45ms  max=48.43ms  p(90)=45.24ms  p(95)=47.91ms