
Goal oriented live documents, core development platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GOLD-CORE Goal Oriented Living Documents - Rapid Development Environment

Assumptions: The following instructions are based on the author using an OS X El Capitan operating system and developed in August 2016, your results may vary.

Intentions: The purpose of this repository is to serve as a documented journey through a set-up process leveraging several of today's modern JavaScript build-tools.

This project strives to provide a solid foundation built on top of popular
and proven libraries, resulting in an opinionated and concise framework.

Step by step goals drive this vision forward, and is a living document being continually updated as best practices evolve and change over time.

Recommendations: @see : http://rob.conery.io/2016/07/04/imposters-handbook/ For a wonderful guide that covers several techniques and topics that will make your experience of developing web applications smoother, from novice to advanced solutions.


Install Git brew install git # Version control system git --version # 2.6.1 as of this writing

Install Node.js: brew install node # Server-side JavaScript platform node --version # v6.2.2 as of this writing

Install Rethink.db: brew install rethinkdb # Distributed document database rethinkdb --version # 2.3.2 as of this writing

Install Horizion.io: npm i -g horizon # Real-time client-server platform hz version # 2.0.0 as of this writing

Initialize project: hz init gold # Checks for existing, or creates new directory cd gold # Change the current path into the project directory npm init # Initialize a new local Node package (creates: package.json) git init # Initialize a new local git repository to track file changes git add package.json # Track changes to the package configuration file git add dist # Track changes to the generated output distribution files git commit -m "Initializing GOLD" # First tracked change-set of files

Start development server: hz serve --dev # Running at http://localhost:8181

Stop development server: ^C # Ctrl+C, to kill/interrupt the process (SIGINT)

Learn about semantic commits: @see : https://seesparkbox.com/foundry/semantic_commit_messages

Install build tools: npm i -D webpack # Configurable JavaScript module bundler webpack --version # 1.13.2 as of this writing npm i -D webpack-dev-server # Local development web-server npm i -D url-loader file-loader json-loader # Enable JSON parsing npm i -D postcss-loader css-loader style-loader # Stylesheet handlers

Setup Horizon proxy: @see : https://discuss.horizon.io/t/horizon-with-webpack-dev-server/372 touch dev-server.js # Create file using your editor of choice. npm run dev:hz npm run dev:serve

Setup CycleJS with xstream runner: npm i -S xstream @cycle/dom @cycle/isolate @cycle/xstream-run

Setup Ramda: npm i -S ramda

Setup HMR hot-module-replacement: @see : http://andrewhfarmer.com/webpack-hmr-tutorial @see : https://www.npmjs.com/package/cycle-hmr npm i -D babel-plugin-espower babel-preset-stage-0 cycle-hmr touch .babelrc

Configure ComponentRouter component: @see : https://github.com/cyclejs-community/xstream-boilerplate @see : https://www.npmjs.com/package/history npm i -S history npm i -S cyclic-router

Set up PostCSS and PreCSS stylesheet pre-processing: @see : https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader @see : https://www.npmjs.com/package/precss npm i -D precss npm i -D autoprefixer npm i -D extract-text-webpack-plugin npm i -D postcss-advanced-variables npm i -D postcss-calc