
An example Clojure project that uses Leiningen, clojure.test and uses travis-ci.org for CI

Primary LanguageClojure

Example travis-ci.org Clojure project

This is an example Clojure project that uses Leiningen, clojure.test and travis-ci.org for continuous integration.


Make sure you have Leiningen installed. Then install dependencies with

lein deps

and run tests with

lein test

This is what Travis CI Clojure builder will run by default.

For more information, see .travis.yml, read our Getting Started guide and the rest of the documentation.

travis-ci.org badges

Here is a sample status icon showing the state of the master branch:

Build Status


If you have any questions, we are in #travis on irc.freenode.net, on Twitter @travisci and have a mailing list.


Copyright (C) 2012 Travis CI Development Team

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.