
An opinionated starter for Gridsome, which includes a Sanity project, and uses Bulma CSS.

Primary LanguageSCSS

Gridsome + Sanity + Bulma 🚀

No more needs to be said.


Assuming you have the Santiy CLI (@sanity/cli) installed:

git clone git@github.com:thetre97/gridsome-starter-sanity-bulma.git project-name
# Gridsome setup
cd project-name
# Sanity setup
cd sanity
npm i
sanity init
npm run deploy

You will need to redeploy the GraphQL schema everytime you update the Sanity schema. This can easily be done with npm run deploy.

Copy the .env.example over to .env, and fill out the variables - you can get them from your now-configured Sanity project (sanity.json).

Then you can run the project:

# Sanity
cd sanity
npm run develop
# Gridsome
yarn develop


This is an opinionated starter, which I use myself - so there may be a couple of oddities:

  • I usually use Yarn, but it freaks out when installing Sanity (to do with Sanity using colons in path names, which doesn't agree with NTFS), so I use NPM to install teh studio dependencies.