
a timestamp table tool

Primary LanguagePython

Often, I have a duration in seconds and want to know how many hours/days/whatever that would be. Enter tstbl:

➜ tstbl 123456
method|frac               |whole
w     |0.20412698412698413|0
d     |1.4288888888888889 |1
h     |34.29333333333334  |10
m     |2057.6             |17
s     |123456.0           |36

This quickly tells me that it's 1.42 days or 1 day, 10 hours.

Other times, I have a couple of timestamps:

➜ tstbl 12:00:00 13:00:00
method|frac                |whole
w     |0.005952380952380952|0
d     |0.041666666666666664|0
h     |1.0                 |1
m     |60.0                |0
s     |3600.0              |0


virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --editable .