
Group Final Project for Probabilistic Robotics Spring 2023 - Ping Pong Paddle simulation

Primary LanguagePython

Simulating Juggling a Ping-Pong Ball with a Robotic Arm Using Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Selina Spry, Travis Clauson, Srisharan Kolige

Due Date: 9 May 2023


We completed this project as a part of Professor Jivko Sinapov's Probabilistc Robotics course at Tufts Univeristy. We used Pybullet and OpenAI Gym to create the simulation environment. Then, we trained the system using PyTorch and a hand-crafted Proximity Policy Optimization RL algorithm.

Acknowledgement: https://github.com/GerardMaggiolino/Gym-Medium-Post, https://github.com/ericyangyu/PPO-for-Beginners/tree/master

To Run:

Execute Main.py file to train the agent

To Turn Graphics ON/OFF:

  1. Change hyperparameter 'Render' in main.py to 'False' / 'True'. 2) Change the 'p.connect' lines are commented in 'panda_juggling_env.py' to 'P.GUI' or 'P.DIRECT'

Packages Required

Pybullet, Open AI Gym, Pytorch, Time, OS, sys, Numpy, MatPlotLib

Structure of Code

* Main.py

# Executable Code
# Get Reccomnded Action from PPO Agent
# Complete the Action, returns new observation, reward, episode status

* Environment.py

# What is the Observation Space
# What is the Action Space
# How to "Step" the simulatoin
# How to reset the environment
# How to render the environment

- PPOagent.py

# Keep track of state-action-reward instances
# Choose an action based on exploration and/or expected rewards
# Calculate Policy Gradient

- Robot.py

# Initialize Robot
# Obtain Observation data
# Apply an Action

- Plane.py

# Inititalize Plane

- Ball.py

# Initialize Ball