Part of my Frontend Developer Journery. This is me "learn by building".
This repository is dedicated to all of my JavaScript Projects that I am making (or at least, building via tutorials). JS, is a huge part of any Frontend Developers skillset and it is very important for the future of WordPress (React).
I will update this repo with a numbered folder, inside the folder will have all the respective files that makes up that project.
*Project #1 - JS Drum Kit (06 March 2018) Great start. First time watching a Wes Bos tutorial, very clear and easy to understand. I managed to grasp what was taught, but will need more practice if I am to replicate this out of my head completely. Feeling excited and positive!
*Project #2 - CSS JS Clock (12 March 2018) Great tutorial, feel like I am able to read JS a lot better and understand things. Learn by building is really they way forward. I had some pretty intense Troubleshooting to do with my code (minor syntax error) but in the end got it working and changed up the styling a bit. Getting there. But not really on a once per day kind of level. Too many things I am focusing on, will see if it is a good or bad thing. Only time will tell. Great course!
*Project #3 - CSS Variable (4 April 2018) Pretty okay tutorial with not much hands-on work for me to do. It basically resulted in me watching the video and then uploading the project file with a couple of tweaks I plan to make, nothing JS related.
Hope to get a bit more hands on in the upcoming tutorials.Can't take credit for this project.
*Project #4&5 - Random number game (21 October 2019) Random number dice game. Made while doing a course in Treehouse.
*Project #6 - How well do you know programming game (23 October 2019) Treehouse course. Made by using conditional programming to test your knowledge by asking the user 5 programming questions, out putting the results and finally awarding them with a crown or not.
*Project #7 - Random Number Function (28 October 2019) Random number function made by following along in the Treehouse Basic Javascript Track. Really feel like I am comprehending JS.