
Builds a docker image for Zookeeper

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Builds a docker image for Zookeeper.

docker build -t <user>/zookeeper:3.4.13 .

About Kafka Kafka is Fast, Scalable, Durable, and Fault-Tolerant publish-subscribe messaging system which can be used to real time data streaming. We can introduce Kafka as Distributed Commit Log which follows publish subscribe architecture. Like many publish-subscribe messaging systems, Kafka maintains feeds of messages in topics. Producers write data to topics and consumers read from topics. Since Kafka is a distributed system, topics are partitioned and replicated across multiple nodes.

Messages in Kafka are simple byte arrays(String , JSON etc). When publishing, message can be attached to a key. Producer distributes all the messages with same key into same partition.

About Zookeeper Zookeeper is distributed systems configuration management tool. Zookeeper provides multiple features for distributed applications like distributed configuration management, leader election, consensus handling, coordination and locks etc.

Zookeeper storing its data on tree like structure. It introduced as Data Tree and nodes introduced as zNodes. Zookeeper follows standard unix notations for file paths. For an example /A/B/C denote the path to zNode C, where C has B as its parent and B has A as its parent.

Read more about Zookeeper from here.

Kafaka with Zookeeper Distributed systems required to do coordination tasks, configuration managements, state managements etc. Some distributed systems built their own tools/mechanism to manage these tasks. Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Mongodb are some examples for these kind of systems. Other distributed systems such as Kafka, Storm, HBase chosen existing configuration management tools like Zookeeper, Etcd etc

Kafka uses Zookeeper to mange following tasks

Electing a controller - The controller is one of the brokers and is responsible for maintaining the leader/follower relationship for all the partitions. When a node shuts down, it is the controller that tells other replicas to become partition leaders to replace the partition leaders on the node that is going away. Zookeeper is used to elect a controller, make sure there is only one and elect a new one it if it crashes. Cluster membership - Which brokers are alive and part of the cluster? this is also managed through ZooKeeper. Topic configuration - Which topics exist, how many partitions each has, where are the replicas, who is the preferred leader, what configuration overrides are set for each topic Manage Quotas - How much data is each client allowed to read and write Access control - Who is allowed to read and write to which topic (old high level consumer). Which consumer groups exist, who are their members and what is the latest offset each group got from each partition. Run Kafka and Zookeeper with docker

  1. Run zookeeper docker run -d
    --name zookeeper
    -p 2181:2181

  2. Run kafka docker run -d
    --name kafka
    -p 7203:7203
    -p 9092:9092

KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME is the IP address of the machine(my local machine) which Kafka container running. ZOOKEEPER_IP is the Zookeeper container running machines IP. By this way producers and consumers can access Kafka and Zookeeper by using that IP address.

  1. Create topic docker run
    --rm ches/kafka kafka-topics.sh
    --topic senz
    --replication-factor 1
    --partitions 1
    --zookeeper Kafka container’s bin directory contains some shell scripts which can use to manage topics, consumers, publishers etc. By using kafka-topics.sh script I’m creating a topic named senz. is the zookeeper running host and port.

  2. List topics docker run
    --rm ches/kafka kafka-topics.sh
    --zookeeper This command will list all available topics.

  3. Create publisher docker run --rm --interactive
    ches/kafka kafka-console-producer.sh
    --topic senz
    --broker-list This command will creates a producer for senz topic. This producer will take inputs from command line and publish them to Kafka. broker-list specifies the host and port of Kafka.

  4. Create consumer docker run --rm
    ches/kafka kafka-console-consumer.sh
    --topic senz
    --zookeeper This command will create consumer for senz topic. This consumer will take the messages from topic and output into the command line. from-beginning parameter specifies to take the messages from the beginning of the topic. zookeeper specifies the host and port of Zookeeper.

Kafka related data in Zookeeper We can go inside to Zookeeper container and see how Kafka related data(broker, publisher details) are stored.

  1. Go inside Zookeeper container docker exec -it zookeeper bash Inside the bin directory we can find the commands which are available to manage Zookeeper

  2. Connect to Zookeeper server bin/zkCli.sh -server Since we are inside the Zookeeper container, we can specify server address as the localhost(

  3. List root ls /

  4. List brokers ls /brokers

  5. List topics ls /brokers/topics

  6. List consumers ls /consumers

  7. List consumer owner ls /consumers/console-consumer-1532/owners

Reference https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-actual-role-of-Zookeeper-in-Kafka-What-benefits-will-I-miss-out-on-if-I-don%E2%80%99t-use-Zookeeper-and-Kafka-together https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23751708/kafka-is-zookeeper-a-must https://blog.cloudera.com/blog/2014/09/apache-kafka-for-beginners/ http://cloudurable.com/blog/what-is-kafka/index.html