
A lightweight spring-mvc setup with request geolocation detection

Primary LanguageJava


A lightweight spring-mvc project setup with request geolocation detection!

How it works:

There are two important files that do the heavy lifting:


package com.geolocation.services.impl

This class takes the IP address of the current request and performs a geolocation lookup using the IP. It initially uses a web service, freegeoip.net, which returns a lightweight JSON object with location information. In the case of a failure (web service is down, incomplete location information), the service leverages a Maxmind location database and API as a fallback.

A controller, for example, could query the service for geolocation information using its simple interface.

// This method will set the IP address for the session and invoke a geolocation lookup
void setSessionIp(final String ipAddress);

String getSessionCountry();

String getSessionRegion();
String getSessionCity();


package com.geolocation.web.interceptors

This class simply grabs the IP address from each request and passes it to the DefaultGeolocationService.

How to use it:

By the time code execution reaches a controller, your business logic can reliably query this location information from the geolocation service. The GeolocationTestController in the project provides an example:

final String requestCountry = geolocationService.getSessionCountry();
// Only do something or show something for US users
if ("US".equalsIgnoreCase(requestCountry))
// Some business logic here
model.addAttribute("image", "http://placekitten.com/200/300");

Some notes on MaxMind:

This project includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.

There are two database files provided in WEB-INF/resources. If you only need to be as granular as the country of the request, you can use "GeoLite2-Country.mmdb". If you need more specific sub-divisions like city and state, use "GeoLite2-City.mmdb".