
fresh packages delivered from your sbt console

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

bintray sbt

An sbt interface for publishing and resolving bintray packages.


what you need

  • an account on bintray (get one here)
  • a desire to build a more diverse Scala library ecosystem

Add the following to your sbt project/plugins.sbt file:

addSbtPlugin("org.foundweekends" % "sbt-bintray" % "0.4.0")

Note: Both the plugin organization and the name has changed in 0.4.0.

You will need to add the following to your project/build.properties file if you have multiple versions of sbt installed


Be sure to use the latest launcher

Resolving bintray artifacts

Using sbt 0.13.6+, you don't need this plugin to resolve bintray-hosted dependencies.

resolvers += Resolver.jcenterRepo

This will add JCenter (the analog to maven central for bintray) to your resolver chain. JCenter is a bintray aggregation repository. You will find most of what you want there. If you wish to add your package to this repository, just link it!

So you want to resolve a package from someone else's repo? Not a problem. Add the following to your sbt build definition

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("otherUser", "otherRepo")

Typically you will be depending on packages published to that users's "maven" repo

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("otherUser", "maven")


Note that when specifying sbt-bintray settings in project/*.scala files (as opposed to in build.sbt), you will need to add the following import:

import bintray.BintrayKeys._


To publish a package to bintray, you need a bintray account. You can register for one here. BintrayPlugin is an auto plugin that will be added to all projects in your build. This plugin will upload and release your artifacts into bintray when you run publish.

If you try to publish at this point, you will be prompted for your bintray username and api key. This will generate an sbt credentials file under ~/.bintray/.credentials used to authenticate publishing requests to bintray.

You can interactively change to bintray credentials used by sbt anytime with

> bintrayChangeCredentials

Note you will need to reload your project afterwards which will reset your publishTo setting.

At any time you can check who you will be authenticated as with the bintrayWhoami setting which will print your bintray username

> bintrayWhoami

You may optionally wish to publish to a bintray organization instead of your individual bintray user account. To do so, use the bintrayOrganization setting in your project's build definition.

bintrayOrganization := Some("strength-in-numbers")

By default, a bintray Maven repository for a bintray user or organization is named maven. If your Maven repository is named differently, you will need to specify the bintrayRepository setting.

bintrayRepository := "oss-maven"
Staging (optional)

If you want to stage your all artifacts first, put this in your settings:

bintrayReleaseOnPublish in ThisBuild := false

This will break the process into two parts:

  1. First, stage all artifacts using publish.
  2. Once all artifacts are staged, run bintrayRelease to make the artifacts public



If your project does not use a license, you may opt out of specifying one:

bintrayOmitLicense := true
public (default)

If your project uses a license, Bintray supports those listed here. If you are new to software licenses you may want to grab a coffee and absorb some well organized information on the topic of choice. Sbt already defines a licenses setting key. In order to use bintray sbt you must define your licenses key to contain a license with a name matching one of those bintray defines. I recommend MIT.

licenses += ("MIT", url("http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"))


The first time you publish a bintray package, this plugin will create the package for you on bintray. Along with the actual contents of the package, you can list a publicly visible list of labels that related to your package.

You can assign this with the bintrayPackageLabels setting key.

bintrayPackageLabels := Seq("hipster", "keen")


In addition to labels, you can also assign metadata attributes that expose information to package tooling. These can be assigned at the package and the version levels. By default, this plugin assigns a flag indicating "this is an sbt plugin" to the package and the scala version and optionally sbt version to the package version. You can assign these with the packageAttributes in bintray and versionAttributes in bintray setting keys. These values must be typed and conform to the types bintray exposes.

// append custom package attributes
bintrayPackageAttributes ~=
  ((_: bintray.AttrMap) ++ Map("my-package-attr" -> Seq(bintry.StringAttr("my-value"))))
// append custom version attributes
bintrayVersionAttributes ~=
  ((_: bintray.AttrMap) ++ Map("my-version-attr" -> Seq(bintry.BooleanAttr(true))))

NOTE This interface will likely change in the future. All changes will be announced and well documented.

Other pieces of flair

When publishing for the first time, bintray sbt will create a package for you under your bintray account's "maven" repository with your project's (module)name as the package name and description for your package description.


It's generally a bad practice to remove a version of a library others may depend on but sometimes you may want test a release with the ability to immediately take it back down if something goes south before others start depending on it. Bintray allows for this flexibility and thus, bintray-sbt does as well. Use the unpublish task to unpublish the current version from bintray.

> bintrayUnpublish

Finding your way around

The easiest way to learn about bintray-sbt is to use the sbt shell typing bintray<tab> or help bintray to discover bintray keys.

Doug Tangren (softprops) 2013-2014

always be shipping.