
ERROR in ./node_modules/jsencrypt/lib/index.js 1:0-40

ashokram opened this issue · 10 comments

Hi, getting error with the latest version "3.3.0" in React, this is working fine with the previous version 3.2.1

Thank you.


Having the same issue. Reverting the version is the only solution I've found so far. @travist, is this something you can investigate?

same error

Please do not make breaking change in patch version 😥

Hi everyone I have find as a temporary solution is to change the version of jsencrypt to "jsencrypt": "^3.0.0-rc.1", that can fix the problem

The problem is because of webpack5 have change the way it builds the project dependencies.

Have a good day

This config will solve the problem.

module.exports = {
  // ...
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.m?js$/,
        resolve: {
          fullySpecified: false, // disable the behaviour

When package.json contains a field of "type" with the value of "module" , webpack requires a full path(including the file extension, like .js/.mjs),otherwise webpack would fail the compiling with a Module not found error. Setting fullySpecified to false disables this behavior.

You can check it at Webpack docs.

For me this just looks like a small patch and no solution, additionally we don't have an appropriate loader for this config.
The problem still exists with the new version 3.3.1 😉

It seems the tsconfig not set to output an ESM. So the generated JS files import without the ".js" extname.



import 'jsencrypt/bin/jsencrypt'

and you have a global JSEncrypt.
using it anywhere:

const enc = new JSEncrypt()

How to solve this problem in umijs and how to configure it on chainWebpack!

Please try 3.3.2 and see if it fixes this issue.