- 7
#310 opened by sheyanmin - 2
@3.3.2 linux public Rollup failed to resolve import
#311 opened by saozhu2333 - 4
encryption returning false
#296 opened by Superior126 - 3
- 0
- 0
YUI does not exist, this comment will cause false positives for vulnerability sweeps
#313 opened by WeijianXu - 1
Front-end performed RSA signature on the HMAC using SHA256, but the length was incorrect, causing the server to fail to verify it.
#293 opened by stdzwei - 0
- 3
Need a fix for CVE-2023-46809
#305 opened by cjbathras - 9
Fail to import JSEncrypt module
#273 opened by valebearzotti - 6
- 0
How to decrypt Blob、ArrayBuffer ?
#309 opened by XiongYang0725 - 1
How should Java verify your generated signature
#308 opened by goodtan - 1
Problem to decrypt in NodeJs with crypto
#306 opened by Paulo-Ferreira-SJ - 0
- 0
- 0
- 8
window is not defined in nuxtjs v3
#291 opened by rwaddin - 0
[REQUEST] remove browser dependency ?
#301 opened by jhay06 - 0
- 0
- 8
- 1
Decrypted result has wrong encoding
#288 opened by TvojTatk0 - 0
- 0
#294 opened by zhuchuanyong - 4
ReferenceError: window is not defined when initializing a new class instance in AWS Lambda
#236 opened by TENDesign - 0
Suggest to add judgment when string too long
#292 opened by CreatorEdition - 3
Travis Tidwell, please show an example of decryption with openssl just like Tom Wu did
#283 opened by c-plus-plus-equals-c-plus-one - 10
- 1
Security Issue
#277 opened by pradeepsingh01 - 3
Are there any active maintainers? The bugs are not getting any feedback anymore
#284 opened by c-plus-plus-equals-c-plus-one - 2
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './lib/jsbn/base64' in 'C:\Users\jackdu\Documents\Project\lowcode-admin\node_modules\jsencrypt\lib'
#287 opened by dj49846917 - 1
Encrypt in js and decrypt in C# ,example?
#256 opened by glober1234 - 4
- 2
Sometimes 'JSEncrypt.sign' return a result which is not compatible with openssl.
#265 opened by omega-pw - 0
- 5
[BUG] - process is undefined on Angular
#267 opened by pl4yradam - 2
ReferenceError: Property '__webpack_require__' doesn't exist, js engine: hermes
#261 opened by maxkomarychev - 1
[bug] process is not defined
#268 opened by ciodc - 1
Can't use in vite project
#252 opened by zuixinwang - 1
#248 opened by 1452735983 - 1
While Decryption Returns Empty String
#253 opened by Gokulkannan08 - 0
how to run test
#251 opened by 2018mjy - 0
Not support SHA256WithRSA?
#250 opened by 1014156094 - 0
JSencrypt setPPrivateKey() is not working when chrome is opened through debug from vs code
#241 opened by akshg05 - 0
nuxt+jsencrypt in ie11 have Error: SCRIPT1002
#240 opened by Jason0715 - 0
- 5
[TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'new jsencrypt_1.JSEncrypt()')]
#235 opened by maxkomarychev - 0
- 4
#231 opened by zty381309501