
Mock curriculum built out in both fullstack C# and Ruby. Many-to-Many MVC app using the Entity and Rails frameworks, including authorization and homebuilt APIs serving necessary data.

Primary LanguageRuby

Travis' Dopest Curriculum


Exercise in creating the same MVC project and many-to-many database twice, in C# and Ruby This app uses a homemade API to serve lessons and tracks, which have a many-to-many relationship, to views in an MVC app.

C Sharp

Asp.NET Core MVC / API application, with a many-to-many database

Required Installations

  • MySql
  • MySqlWorkbench
  • C# (if on a Mac device)

Setup Instructions

  • Navigate to the CSharp folder
  • Create a schema named 'curriculum' (or your choice, updating appsettings.json accordingly) using the following steps: ((This might be unnecessary))
    • 1) Open MySqlWorkbench.
    • 2) Right click on the schemas, select 'Create Schema', name it 'curriculum', and hit 'apply'.
    • _3) run dotnet ef migrations add {Your Choice} and dotnet ef database update to get the database ready
  • Navigate to the CurriculumApi folder, and run dotnet watch run to enable the API to serve data.
  • Navigate to the Curriculum folder, and run dotnet watch run to start the MVC application.
  • Navigate to your localhost at 8080



Required Installations

Setup Instructions

  • Navigate to the Ruby folder
  • TBD