
[BUG] Segfault while moving the camera around in testbed in full screen

teziroct opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Segfault while moving the camera around in testbed in full screen.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: ubuntu
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
  • Version: 22.04.3

Additional context
What follows is the full terminal output after ./testbed

[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[TRACE]: Warning: kallocate_aligned called before the memory system is initialized.
[DEBUG]: Memory system successfully allocated 2147483648 bytes.
[INFO]: Input subsystem initialized.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[INFO]: Resource system initialized with base path '../assets'.
[INFO]: Vulkan Instance created.
[DEBUG]: Creating Vulkan surface...
[DEBUG]: Vulkan surface created.
MESA-INTEL: warning: Haswell Vulkan support is incomplete
[INFO]: Evaluating device: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080', index 0.
[INFO]: Graphics | Present | Compute | Transfer | Name
[INFO]: 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
[INFO]: Device meets queue requirements.
[TRACE]: Graphics Family Index: 0
[TRACE]: Present Family Index: 0
[TRACE]: Transfer Family Index: 3
[TRACE]: Compute Family Index: 2
[INFO]: Selected device: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080'.
[INFO]: GPU type is Descrete.
[INFO]: GPU Driver version: 535.113.01
[INFO]: Vulkan API version: 1.3.3
[INFO]: Local GPU memory: 8.00 GiB
[INFO]: Shared System memory: 11.57 GiB
[INFO]: Local GPU memory: 0.24 GiB
[INFO]: Physical device selected.
[INFO]: Creating logical device...
[INFO]: Logical device created.
[INFO]: Vulkan device doesn't support native dynamic topology, but does via extension. Using extension.
[INFO]: Vulkan device doesn't support native dynamic front-face, but does via extension. Using extension.
[INFO]: Queues obtained.
[INFO]: Graphics command pool created.
[INFO]: Swapchain created successfully.
[DEBUG]: Vulkan command buffers created.
[INFO]: Vulkan renderer initialized successfully.
[INFO]: 8 processor cores detected, 8 cores available.
[TRACE]: Available threads: 7
[DEBUG]: Main thread id is: 0x8a62cb80
[DEBUG]: Spawning 7 job threads.
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xc0bdb640
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xc03da640
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #0 (id=0xc0bdb640, type=0xe).
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xbfbd9640
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #1 (id=0xc03da640, type=0x2).
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xb73d8640
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #2 (id=0xbfbd9640, type=0x2).
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #3 (id=0xb73d8640, type=0x2).
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xbf3d8640
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xbebd7640
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #4 (id=0xbf3d8640, type=0x2).
[DEBUG]: Starting process on thread id: 0xbe3d6640
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #5 (id=0xbebd7640, type=0x2).
[INFO]: Booting testbed...
[TRACE]: Starting job thread #6 (id=0xbe3d6640, type=0x2).
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.SkyboxShader.vert.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.SkyboxShader.frag.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Graphics pipeline created!
[WARN]: Freelists are very inefficient with amounts of memory less than 448B; it is recommended to not use this structure in this case.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.MaterialShader.vert.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.MaterialShader.frag.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Graphics pipeline created!
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.TerrainShader.vert.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.TerrainShader.frag.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Graphics pipeline created!
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.Colour3DShader.vert.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.Colour3DShader.frag.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Graphics pipeline created!
[DEBUG]: Graphics pipeline created!
[WARN]: Freelists are very inefficient with amounts of memory less than 448B; it is recommended to not use this structure in this case.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.UIShader.vert.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Compiling shader 'shaders/Builtin.UIShader.frag.glsl'...
[DEBUG]: Shader compiled successfully.
[DEBUG]: Graphics pipeline created!
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[INFO]: Kohi Engine v. 0.1.2317.79903
[DEBUG]: game_initialize() called!
[TRACE]: Loader registered.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Creating new camera named 'world'...
[TRACE]: Creating new camera named 'world_2'...
[INFO]: System memory use (tagged):
ARRAY : 87.93KiB
DARRAY : 26.48KiB
DICT : 0.00B
RING_QUEUE : 192.00KiB
BST : 0.00B
STRING : 2.63KiB
ENGINE : 20.46KiB
JOB : 2.38KiB
TEXTURE : 17179869184.00GiB
MAT_INST : 224.00B
RENDERER : 156.25MiB
GAME : 13.70KiB
ENTITY : 0.00B
SCENE : 0.00B
VULKAN : 244.59MiB
DIRECT3D : 0.00B
OPENGL : 0.00B
KEYMAP : 1.09KiB
Total memory usage: 304.12MiB of 2.00GiB (0.15%)

[DEBUG]: Window resize: 1280, 720
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 1
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'UbuntuMono21px_0'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'kohi'.
[INFO]: Vulkan renderer plugin->resized: w/h/gen: 1280/720/1
[INFO]: Swapchain created successfully.
[DEBUG]: Vulkan command buffers created.
[INFO]: Resized, booting.
[INFO]: Vulkan renderer plugin->resized: w/h/gen: 1280/720/2
[INFO]: Swapchain created successfully.
[DEBUG]: Vulkan command buffers created.
[INFO]: Resized, booting.
[DEBUG]: Loading main scene...
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[WARN]: texture_system_acquire called for default texture. Use texture_system_get_default_specular_texture for texture 'default_SPEC'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 1
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 5
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 6
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 1
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded mesh 'falcon'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 6
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'wavy-sand_SPEC'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Job queued.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded mesh 'sponza'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'river_rock1_SPEC'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 5
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'wavy-sand'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'river_rock1'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'wavy-sand_NRM'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 1
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 5
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'Crusted_snow2_SPEC'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 6
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'grass1'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'river_rock1_NRM'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_b_diff'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_b_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_b_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'Crusted_snow2'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_curtain_diff'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_curtain_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'grass1_NRM'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_curtain_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_flagpole_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_flagpole_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_flagpole_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_curtain_blue_diff'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'Crusted_snow2_NRM'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_c_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_c_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_c_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_floor_a_diff'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_floor_a_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_floor_a_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'spnza_bricks_a_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'spnza_bricks_a_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'spnza_bricks_a_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_curtain_green_diff'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_a_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_a_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_details_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_column_a_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_details_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_hanging'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_details_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'chain_texture'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_hanging_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'chain_texture_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_arch_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'chain_texture_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_hanging_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_arch_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_arch_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_fabric_green_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_ceiling_a_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_fabric_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_thorn_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_thorn_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_thorn_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_fabric_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_fabric_blue_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_round_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_round'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_plant'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_round_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'background'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_plant_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_plant_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'background_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'background_spec'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_fabric_diff'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'lion_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'lion_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 0
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 4
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'lion'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 3
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_dif'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_roof_diff'.
[TRACE]: Assigning job to thread: 2
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_roof_ddn'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'vase_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'sponza_roof_spec'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'falc_wreck_low_DefaultMaterial_AlbedoTransparency'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'falc_wreck_low_DefaultMaterial_Normal'.
[TRACE]: Successfully loaded texture 'falc_wreck_low_DefaultMaterial_MetallicSmoothness'.
[INFO]: Swapchain created successfully.
[DEBUG]: Swapchain recreated because swapchain returned out of date or suboptimal.
[DEBUG]: Window resize: 2560, 1368
[INFO]: Vulkan renderer plugin->resized: w/h/gen: 2560/1368/3
[INFO]: Swapchain created successfully.
[DEBUG]: Vulkan command buffers created.
[INFO]: Resized, booting.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Was able to quickly reproduce the bug on a second attempt. I full-screened the app and moved the camera around, and encountered a segfault. Let me know if I can provide any additional information.

Thanks for reporting this! I can see this is happening here as well.