
Puppet module for automagic set up of up nfs servers and clients. Storeconfigs is used for propogating configs to clients. Optional nfs4-support.

Primary LanguagePuppetOtherNOASSERTION


####Table of Contents

  1. Overview - What is the nfs module?
  2. Module Description - What does this module do?
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with nfs
    • Simple mount an nfs share
    • [NFSv3 server and client] (#nfsv3-server-and-client)
    • [NFSv3 multiple exports, servers and multiple node] (#nfsv3-multiple-exports-servers-and-multiple-node)
    • [NFSv4 Simple example] (#nfsv4-simple-example)
    • [NFSv4 insanely overcomplicated reference] (#nfsv4-insanely-overcomplicated-reference)
  4. Usage - The classes and defined types available for configuration
  5. Requirements
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Contributing to the graphite module


This module installs, configures and manages everything on NFS clients and servers.

Github Master: Build Status

##Module Description

This module can be used to simply mount nfs shares on a client or to configure your nfs servers. It can make use of storeconfigs on the puppetmaster to get its resources.


What nfs affects:

  • packages/services/configuration files for NFS usage
  • can be used with puppet storage

###Simple mount nfs share

This example mounts a nfs share on the client, with NFSv3

include '::nfs::client'

::nfs::client::mount { '/mnt/mymountpoint':
  server  => 'nfsserver.my.domain',
  share   => '/share/on/server',
  options => 'rw',

###NFSv3 server and client

This will export /data/folder on the server and automagically mount it on client. You need storeconfigs/puppetdb for this to work.

node server {
  include nfs::server

  ::nfs::server::export{ '/data_folder':
    ensure  => 'mounted',
    clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)'

By default, mounts are mounted in the same folder on the clients as they were exported from on the server.

node client {
  include '::nfs::client'
  Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>> 

###NFSv3 multiple exports, servers and multiple node

  node server1 {
    include '::nfs::server'
        ensure  => 'mounted',
        clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)'
      # exports /homeexport and mounts them om /srv/home on the clients
        ensure  => 'mounted',
        clients => ',insecure,async,root_squash)',
        mount   => '/srv/home'

  node server2 {
    include '::nfs::server'
    # ensure is passed to mount, which will make the client not mount it
    # the directory automatically, just add it to fstab
        ensure  => 'present',
        nfstag     => 'media'
        clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)'

  node client {
    include '::nfs::client'
    Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>>; 

  # Using a storeconfig override, to change ensure option, so we mount
  # all shares
  node greedy_client {
    include '::nfs::client'
    Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>> {
      ensure => 'mounted'

  # only the mount tagged as media 
  # also override mount point
  node media_client {
    include '::nfs::client'
    Nfs::Client::Mount <<|nfstag == 'media' |>> {
      ensure => 'mounted',
      mount  => '/import/media'

  # All @@nfs::server::mount storeconfigs can be filtered by parameters
  # Also all parameters can be overridden (not that it's smart to do
  # so).
  # Check out the doc on exported resources for more info:
  # http://docs.puppetlabs.com/guides/exported_resources.html
  node single_server_client {
    include '::nfs::client'
    Nfs::Client::Mount <<| server == 'server1' |>> {
      ensure => 'absent',

###NFSv4 Simple example

We use the $::domain fact for the Domain setting in /etc/idmapd.conf. For NFSv4 to work this has to be equal on servers and clients set it manually if unsure.

All nfsv4 exports are bind mounted into /export/$mount_name and mounted on /srv/$mount_name on the client. Both values can be overridden through parameters both globally and on individual nodes.

  node server {
    class { 'nfs::server':
      nfs_v4 = true,
      nfs_v4_export_root_clients =>
    nfs::server::export{ '/data_folder':
      ensure  => 'mounted',
      clients => ',insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)'

By default, mounts are mounted in the same folder on the clients as they were exported from on the server

node client {
  class { 'nfs::server':
    nfs_v4 = true,
    nfs_v4_export_root_clients =>
  Nfs::Client::Mount <<| |>>; 

We can also mount the NFSv4 Root directly through nfs::client::mount::nfsv4::root. By default /srv will be used for as mount point, but can be overriden through the 'mounted' option.

node client2 {
  $server = 'server'

  class { '::nfs::server':
    nfs_v4 = true,
  Nfs::Client::Mount::Nfs_v4::Root <<| server == $server |>> { 
    mount => "/srv/$server",

###NFSv4 insanely overcomplicated reference

Just to show you, how coplex we can make things ;-)

  # and on individual nodes.
  node server {
    class { 'nfs::server':
      nfs_v4              => true,
      # Below are defaults
      nfs_v4_idmap_domain => $::domain,
      nfs_v4_export_root  => '/export',
      # Default access settings of /export root
      nfs_v4_export_root_clients =>
    nfs::server::export{ '/data_folder':
      # These are the defaults
      ensure  => 'mounted',
      # rbind or bind mounting of folders bindmounted into /export 
      # google it
      bind    => 'rbind',
      # everything below here is propogated by to storeconfigs
      # to clients
      # Directory where we want export mounted on client 
      mount     => undef, 
      remounts  => false,
      atboot    => false,
      #  Don't remove that option, but feel free to add more.
      options   => '_netdev',
      # If set will mount share inside /srv (or overridden mount_root)
      # and then bindmount to another directory elsewhere in the fs -
      # for fanatics.
      bindmount => undef,    
      # Used to identify a catalog item for filtering by by
      # storeconfigs, kick ass.
      nfstag     => undef,
      # copied directly into /etc/exports as a string, for simplicity
      clients => ',insecure,no_subtree_check,async,no_root_squash)'

  node client {
    class { 'nfs::server':
      nfs_v4              => true,
      nfs_v4_idmap_domain => $::domain
      nfs_v4_mount_root   => '/srv',

    # We can as you by now know, override options set on the server
    # on the client node.
    # Be careful. Don't override mount points unless you are sure
    # that only one export will match your filter!
    Nfs::Client::Mount <<| # filter goes here # |>> {
      # Directory where we want export mounted on client 
      mount     => undef, 
      remounts  => false,
      atboot    => false,
      #  Don't remove that option, but feel free to add more.
      options   => '_netdev',
      # If set will mount share inside /srv (or overridden mount_root)
      # and then bindmount to another directory elsewhere in the fs -
      # for fanatics.
      bindmount => undef,    


####Class: nfs::server

Set up NFS server and exports. NFSv3 and NFSv4 supported.

Parameters within nfs::server:

#####nfs_v4 (optional)

NFSv4 support. Will set up automatic bind mounts to export root. Disabled by default.

#####nfs_v4_export_root (optional)

Export root, where we bind mount shares, default /export

#####nfs_v4_idmap_domain (optional)

Domain setting for idmapd, must be the same across server and clients. Default is to use $domain fact.


class { '::nfs::server':
  nfs_v4                      => true,
  nfs_v4_export_root_clients  => "*.${::domain}(ro,fsid=root,insecure,no_subtree_check,async,root_squash)",
  # Generally parameters below have sane defaults.
  nfs_v4_export_root          => "/export",
  nfs_v4_idmap_domain         => $::domain,

####Defined Type: nfs::server::export

Set up NFS export on the server (and stores data in configstore)

Parameters within nfs::server::export:

#####v3_export_name (optional)

Default is $name. Usally you do not set it explicit.

#####v4_export_name (optional)

Default results from $name. Usally you do not set it explicit.

#####ensure (optional)

Default is 'mounted'

#####bind (optional)

Default is 'rbind'. rbind or bind mounting of folders bindmounted into /export. Google it!

Following parameteres are propogated by to storeconfigs to clients

#####mount (optional)

Default is undef. This means client mount path is the same as server export path. Directory where we want export mounted on client

#####remounts (optional)

Default is false.

#####atboot (optional)

Default is false.

#####options (optional)

Default is '_netdev'. Don't remove that option, but feel free to add more.

#####bindmount (optional)

Default is undef. If set will mount share inside /srv (or overridden mount_root) and then bindmount to another directory elsewhere in the fs - for fanatics.

#####nfstag (optional)

Default is undef. Used to identify a catalog item for filtering by storeconfigs on clients.

#####clients (optional)

Default is 'localhost(ro)'. Copied directly into /etc/exports as a string, for simplicity.


::nfs::server::export { '/media_library':
  nfstag  => 'media'
  clients => ',insecure,async,no_root_squash) localhost(rw)'

####Class: nfs::client

Set up NFS client and mounts. NFSv3 and NFSv4 supported.

Parameters within nfs::client:


NFSv4 support. Disabled by default.


Mount root, where we mount shares, default /srv


Domain setting for idmapd, must be the same across server and clients. Default is to use $::domain fact.


class { '::nfs::client':
  nfs_v4              => true,
  # Generally parameters below have sane defaults.
  nfs_v4_mount_root   => '/srv',
  nfs_v4_idmap_domain => $::domain,

####Defined Type: nfs::client::mount

Set up NFS mount on client.

Parameters within nfs::client::mount:


FQDN or IP of the NFS server.


Name of share to be mounted.

#####ensure (optional)

Default is 'mounted'.

#####mount (optional)

Default is $title of defined type. Defines mountpoint of the share on the client.

#####remounts (optional)

Default is false.

#####atboot (optional)

Default is false.

#####options (optional)

Default is '_netdev'. Don't remove that option, but feel free to add more.

#####bindmount (optional)

Default is undef. If set will mount share inside /srv (or overridden mount_root) and then bindmount to another directory elsewhere in the fs - for fanatics.

#####nfstag (optional)

Default is undef. Used to identify a catalog item for filtering by storeconfigs on clients.

#####owner (optional)

Default is 'root'. Sets owner of local mountpoint.

#####group (optional)

Default is root. Sets goup ownership of mountpoint.

#####perm (optional)

Default is '0777'. Set mode of mountpoint.


If you want to have the full potential of this module its recommend to have storeconfigs enabled.

###Modules needed:

  • stdlib by puppetlabs
  • concat by puppetlabs

###Software versions needed:

  • facter > 1.6.2
  • puppet > 2.6.2



Echocat modules are open projects. So if you want to make this module even better, you can contribute to this module on Github.

This module is forked/based on Harald Skoglund haraldsk@redpill-linpro.com from https://github.com/haraldsk/puppet-module-nfs/