Version 1.9
This is a Python script I built to help me speed up the time to deploy Cisco UCS pools, policies and templates (ppt). Input is from a json file.
*** This is still in development and should be used with caution. This has been tested on the 3.1(2e), 3.2(3e), 4.0(2d) and 4.2 UCS platform emulator. Test out on a non production or emulated system first ***
This build leverages Alpine Linux, Python 3 and UCSM Python SDK v0.9.8+ in a Docker container
How to build the image
docker build --no-cache -t ucsm_spt-img
How to run the script
docker run -it --name ucsm_spt_setup ucsm_spt-img /bin/sh
cd ucsm_spt_py/
(example json config files located in ~/ucsm_spt_py/ucs_configs)