
This is a TopShelf wrapper around the EventStore ( so you can host this as a service.

Sample Configuration

    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" />

<eventStoreService xmlns="urn:EventStoreService.Configuration">
    <windowsService description="Production EventStore" serviceName="EventStoreProduction"
                    displayName="EventStore (Production)" />

    <eventStore runMode="Cluster" binaryPath=".\eventstore">
        <database inMemory="true" />
        <projections run="System" threads="3" />
        <singleNode httpPort="2113" tcpPort="1113" ip="" />
        <cluster clusterSize="3">
            <dns discoverViaDns="false" />
            <ip external="" internal="" />
            <tcp externalPort="1112" internalPort="1111" />
            <http externalPort="2114" internalPort="1113" />
                    <endpoint address="" />
                    <endpoint address="" />

All options are optional and will be assigned the default values of the EventStore.