
My personal template for web app development

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Web App Template

What is This?

Hello, I am Thomsen Cummings, and this is my basic template for web app development. I much prefer this setup to create-react-app as I know exactly what goes into it, and how to easily extend it.

Tech stack:

  • React.js + SASS (incl. a reset.css file, FontAwesome 5.14, and Google Fonts' Open Sans)
  • Babel and Webpack 4.0 for the build pipeline
  • A simple Express.js config for static serving
  • Jest and Enzyme for testing, if needed

How to Run

In Production

  1. run npm install
  2. run node server.js — This will start up the mock backend server.
  3. In a new tab, run npm run prod — This will build the project in production mode with Webpack.
  4. Open localhost:5000 in your browser, and et voilà!

In Development

  1. run npm install — You can skip this step if you've already installed the node modules.
  2. IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME AFTER CLONING run npm run prod - This will create the "public" folder, and create the index.html for the dev server to host. Otherwise, skip this step (unless your public/ folder is empty, then just run it again).
  3. run npm run dev — This concurrently run the server and start up a Webpack dev server to host the build on localhost:8080.

Run the Test Suite

NB: This test suite will only run on Node Version 10 or later, which I believe is an issue with Jest. For the purposes of development I have been using Node Version 12.14.1.

  1. run npm run test — This will run the Jest test suite, set up the Enzyme adapter, and run through all of the tests.
  2. Look at all that green!