
parses JavaScript for an object to return as a Python dictionary

Primary LanguagePython


Often when using HTTP requests to fetch information within HTML, I find that the information I'm looking for is actually buried deep in the JS of a <script> element, which was intended to be rendered by a web browser to compose the finished HTML.

This makes the information significantly more difficult to parse out than if it was accessible in ordinary HTML elements by CSS Selectors.

So, I wrote myself a helper Regular Expression function to parse out object variables from JavaScript, remove their comments so they're valid JSON, and convert them to Python dictionaries so I can feasibly access their information.


# pass the JavaScript object's name and its <script> element's text to jsO2D.js_obj_from_script_to_dict
# and you have yourself a navigable Python dictionary with little effort
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
import jsO2D

response = requests.get("https://www.youtube.com/feed/storefront")
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")
script_elem = soup.find("script", text=re.compile("ytInitialData"))

dicty = jsO2D.js_obj_from_script_to_dict("ytInitialData", script_elem.string)

# ['responseContext', 'contents', 'header', 'trackingParams', 'topbar']

If you're lazy and don't care about speed, you could just iterate over all your HTML's <script> elements until you find your JS object

for script in soup.find_all("script"):
        dicty = jsO2D.js_obj_from_script_to_dict("ytInitialData", script.string)
    except AttributeError:
    except TypeError: