
Medusa Hackathon 2022 - medusa-plugin-discord-notification



Robert - @treboryx


Receive order notifications in Discord via a webhook for your Medusa store.



Set up this plugin


This plugin is made to work with MedusaJS. You can find the documentation here. Here's what you'll need to get started with this plugin:

Install Project

  1. Install the plugin:
npm install medusa-plugin-discord-notification

# or

yarn add medusa-plugin-discord-notification
  1. Add the plugin to your medusa-config.js file (inside the plugins array):
    resolve: `medusa-plugin-discord-notification`,
    options: {
      name: "My Store",
      webhook_url: `<WEBHOOK_URL>`,
      admin_orders_url: `http://localhost:7001/a/orders`,
  1. Copy the webhook URL you created through Discord* and paste it into the webhook_url in the plugin's options

  2. 🎉Voila! You'll start receiving messages on your discord's channel whenever an order is created.


How to create a webhook in Discord

  1. Go to your server settings and select the Integrations tab
  2. Click on Webhooks and then Create Webhook
  3. Select the channel you wish to create the webhook for (they are per channel)
  4. Give your webhook a name and copy the URL