This is a Swift client for Replicate. It lets you run models from your Swift code, and do various other things on Replicate.
To learn how to use it, take a look at our guide to building a SwiftUI app with Replicate.
Grab your API token from
and pass it to Client(token:)
import Foundation
import Replicate
let replicate = Replicate.Client(token: <#token#>)
Don't store secrets in code or any other resources bundled with your app. Instead, fetch them from CloudKit or another server and store them in the keychain.
You can run a model and get its output:
let output = try await
["prompt": "a 19th century portrait of a wombat gentleman"]
// [""]
Or fetch a model by name and create a prediction against its latest version:
let model = try await replicate.getModel("stability-ai/stable-diffusion")
if let latestVersion = model.latestVersion {
let prompt = "a 19th century portrait of a wombat gentleman"
let prediction = try await replicate.createPrediction(version:,
input: ["prompt": "\(prompt)"],
wait: true)
// [""]
Some models,
like tencentarc/gfpgan,
receive images as inputs.
To pass a file as an input,
read the contents of the file into a Data
and use the `uriEncoded(mimeType:) helper method to create a URI-encoded string.
let model = try await replicate.getModel("tencentarc/gfpgan")
if let latestVersion = model.latestVersion {
let data = try! Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/image.jpg"))
let mimeType = "image/jpeg"
let prediction = try await replicate.createPrediction(version:,
input: ["img": "\(data.uriEncoded(mimeType: mimeType))"])
// [""]
You can start a model and run it in the background:
let model = replicate.getModel("kvfrans/clipdraw")
let prompt = "watercolor painting of an underwater submarine"
var prediction = replicate.createPrediction(version: model.latestVersion!.id,
input: ["prompt": "\(prompt)"])
// "starting"
try await prediction.wait(with: replicate)
// "succeeded"
You can cancel a running prediction:
let model = replicate.getModel("kvfrans/clipdraw")
let prompt = "watercolor painting of an underwater submarine"
var prediction = replicate.createPrediction(version: model.latestVersion!.id,
input: ["prompt": "\(prompt)"])
// "starting"
try await prediction.cancel(with: replicate)
// "canceled"
You can list all the predictions you've run:
var predictions: [Prediction] = []
var cursor: Replicate.Client.Pagination<Prediction>.Cursor?
let limit = 100
repeat {
let page = try await replicate.getPredictions(cursor: cursor)
predictions.append(contentsOf: page.results)
cursor =
} while predictions.count < limit && cursor != nil
To use the Replicate
library in a Swift project,
add it to the dependencies for your package and your target:
let package = Package(
// name, platforms, products, etc.
dependencies: [
// other dependencies
.package(url: "", from: "0.21.0"),
targets: [
.target(name: "<target>", dependencies: [
// other dependencies
.product(name: "Replicate", package: "replicate-swift"),
// other targets