A variety of game ideas are in my head and this is a chance to try some things out. For now, it's also a point to build out a framework for me to build some games on.
The Source
The application supports Python3 with the alpha branch of pyglet.
- Python 3.3
- pygsty git branch
- pyglet 1.2alpha alpha almost beta
Setting up requirements to run
pip install -r Packages
For test suite and other development things
pip install -r Development
This also utilizes the pyeuclid library. I've updated that in this project to work with Python3 as well. I'll probably push that up at some point in separate repo.
Development Status
For a history and overview of what is currently happening check out the Change Blog
Thanks and Resources used
Not sure how many of these will be used in the final product (if there even ever is a final product) but I found so many great resources while researching this project that I'd like to thank those even if they don't get used in the end:
- Python, particularly everyone that has ported to Python 3. Move Forward!
- OpenGL
- Pyglet, great library that saved me hours. Hopefully it can continue
- DawnLike tileset. Thanks DawnBringer, and DragonDePlatino for creating it
- game-icons.net Not sure which ones will be used yet, so thanks to everyone
that contributes to that project:
- Lorc, http://lorcblog.blogspot.com
- Delapouite, http://delapouite.com
- John Colburn, http://ninmunanmu.com
- Felbrigg, http://blackdogofdoom.blogspot.co.uk
- John Redman, http://www.uniquedicetowers.com
- Carl Olsen, https://twitter.com/unstoppableCarl
- Sbed, http://opengameart.org/content/95-game-icons