This is one of the steps in the Truss interview process. If you've stumbled upon this repository and are interested in a career with Truss, check out our jobs page.

Truss Software Engineering Interview

Introduction and expectations

Hi there! Please choose one of the problems described below. Solve to the best of your ability, using the tools you're most comfortable with. Assume you're sending your submission in for code review from peers; we'll be talking about your submission in your interview in that context.

We expect this to take less than 4 hours of actual coding time. Please submit a working but incomplete solution instead of spending more time on it. We're also aware that getting after-hours coding time can be challenging; we'd like a submission within a week and if you need more time please let us know.

How to submit your response

Please submit your solution by emailing a link to More details on what we are looking for are in the problem READMEs linked below.

Choose one problem to work on

A README with specific instructions for each problem is linked below.

The problem: CSV normalization

Please write a tool that reads a CSV formatted file on stdin and emits a normalized CSV formatted file on stdout. For example, if your program was named normalizer we would test your code on the command line like this:

./normalizer < sample.csv > output.csv

Please write a static webpage that loads data from a specified public API, and formats & displays that data in HTML. You may use libraries, frameworks and/or build tools as long as clear, simple instructions are provided for how to run them. Please ensure your solution can be easily viewed in the browser.

You may use additional files to organize your code. You may also use frameworks and build tools as long as clear, simple instructions are provided for how to run them. Please ensure your solution can be easily viewed in the browser.