
Fetch with auth and JSON as default.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

api function - an enhanced fetch

Getting started

On the server

npm install treeder/api

Then import with:

import { api, apiInit } from 'api'

On the client

import { api, apiInit } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/treeder/api@0/api.js'


apiInit({ apiURL: apiURL })


Then just use it in place of fetch:

let r = await api(`/v1/posts`)


To add an Authorization header, specify a getToken() function.

This is an example you can use on the browser side if you are using Firebase Auth.

apiInit({ getToken: () => auth.currentUser.getIdToken() })

On the server, you do the same thing, but your token probably comes from an env var:

apiInit({ getToken: () => process.env.API_KEY })

Multiple APIs

If you have different API's you are talking to, you can create new instances:

const api2 = new API({ apiURL: 'https://somewhere.com', getToken: () => this.options.apiToken })