
How I did this:

  • sha256sum -b contract.docx > checksum
  • add to json
  • sha256sum title.json > checkjson
  • to verify: sha256sum --check checkjson

Deploying contract

  • Copy SMA.sol and change name and symbol
  • web3 contract build X.sol
  • web3 contract deploy X.sol


  • Contract deployed at: 0xf4Ad41442451d1CE56A9D4D70FFaf57430f70FC0
  • mint:
    • export WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY=...
    • export WEB3_NETWORK=gochain
    • export WEB3_ADDRESS=0xf4Ad41442451d1CE56A9D4D70FFaf57430f70FC0 # contract address
    • web3 contract call --abi SMA.abi --gas-limit 500000 --function mint 0x266baECf73Dec32C38F0c73Bf60fd8e000494012
  • get info
    • get tokenURI web3 contract call --abi SMA.abi --function tokenURI 1 # where 1 is the token auto incrementing ID
    • this will return a URL that includes the JSON hash on the end like:
    • you can download the JSON from that URL sha256sum check that last path section to verify the JSON