
Multi player tick tack toe web game using tornado, JQuery, and Jinja.

Primary LanguagePython

Just wanted to write a tic tac toe server using tornado web-server and jinja2 template engine.  I have had some experience with tornado before and only herd about jinja before and looked at the docs.  I think this is a neat opportunity to learn about them both.

Idea: two players get to the site.  The site connects them together.  They play a game.  Then a new pair is selected.

Control flow:

    player1 visit site
    site looks if there is any boards that are looking for players
    if there is not creates a new board
    player1 with his board waits for a player 
        - player 1 ajax call waits
    player2 gets on the site
    player2 gets connected to player1's board 
        - player 1's ajax call returns, player2 ajax waits
    player1 (being X) makes the first move
        - player 2 ajax call returns, player 1 ajax call waits
    repeat until player1 or player2 wins or all spaces run out
    close the board, display win, loose or draw message.
    when player1 and player2 click on the win message they start over 

Board closes itself after some time.  Clients use blocking ajax calls to comunicate.