Another router for Koa(v2), base on decorator.
Current implementation is based on the older decorator proposal, please use babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy to compile codes. When new proposal is ready, dc-router
will update immediately.
import koa from 'koa';
import {router, get, post} from 'dc-router';
let app = new koa();
class Product {
index(ctx) {
// Do something for GET /product
query(ctx, params) {
// Do something for GET /product/:id
add(ctx, params) {
// Do something for POST /product/:id
Create a router module.
- path
the parent path - return
a middleware for Koa(v2)
Create handler for the path.
- method
HTTP method - path
the sub path, it combines with parent path to be the full path
Shortcut for action('get', path)
Shortcut for action('post', path)
Shortcut for action('options', path)
Shortcut for action('head', path)
Shortcut for action('put', path)
Do something before action, must be used for class methods.
- path
the sub path, it combines with parent path to be the full path
Current proposal don't support decorator for function, because it's not compatible with function declarations being hoisted, more information see this:
But if really want use dc-router
for function, it could be this way:
function handler(ctx, params) {
// Don't need `router`
// Just `action`