
A script that generates data from a Concordia University newsfeed for construction work notices and displays it on a campus map

Primary LanguageHTML

Mapping Concordia work sites

What's in this repo:

scrape_notices_and_map.ipynb/.py: A script that generates data from a Concordia University newsfeed for construction work notices and displays it on an interactive campus map
rss_scraper.py: A standalone script that can be customized to scrape entire posts/articles in an RSS newsfeed
notices.csv: Data scraped from this feed: https://www.concordia.ca/offices/facilities/news.html
noticemap.html: An example of the interactive map that is created after running the script

Makes the below map (See noticemap.html for interactive preview):

Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 1 45 51 AM Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 1 46 01 AM Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 1 46 21 AM


Currently you need to run code manually in order to get updated map.

In the works:
  • Plans to update to make the map automatically update with live notices.
  • Plans to add other buildings on downtown campus.

  • This project was originally created in Winter 2024 for Prof. Heloisa Macedo's course GEOG 464 (Programming for Geospatial Technologies) at Concordia University.