
IMDb List Comparisons using the downloadable .csv files.

Primary LanguageC++


IMDb list comparisons by using the csv files provided from respective user created lists at their site. IMDbC is built on Qt and c++. The project is currently in development and is not very useful at the moment.

More specifically your IMDb lists should be comparable with each others. For example if you have a movie list of all films you've seen, you can quickly determine differences such as films you've not seen. The project is aiming towards providing several useful comparison features and filters.

Use the IMDb-Comparator/IMDb-Comparator.sln (solution) for the proper projects.


  1. Install "qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.4.1"

  2. Install "qt-vs-addin-1.2.4-opensource" //Visual Studio addon

  3. In VS, QT5-> Qt Options-> Add-> Path-> "C:\Qt\Qt5.4.1\5.4\msvc2013"; bin, lib, include should be here etc

  4. Run in IMDb-Comparator/IMDb-Comparator.sln, this project should have the proper settings, may need tweaks