
test project for using jOOQ with H2 in-memory DB

Primary LanguageJava

How this project is consist

  • Spring-Boot
  • H2 database
  • jOOQ

How do I build it up?

  • In Maven
$ mvn clean package -e -X
  • To make docker image
$ docker build --build-arg JAR_FILE=target/{package_file_name} -t {docker_image_name} .
  • To execute the docker container
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 {docker_image_name}

How to connect RexRay Volumn

  • Install RexRay plugin in docker
$ docker plugin install rexray/s3fs S3FS_ACCESSKEY={value} --grant-all-permissions
  • To execute the docker container and connect rexray
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v {S3FS_bucket_name}:/{mounted_path_name} {docker_image_name}

reference - markdown