Our goal is to create re-usable sample apps that external developers can leverage as reference.
The codebase is built with React and Tailwind css on the frontend and express on the backend.
We have also implemented testing with Jest and Cypress.
You have the option of running locally with mocked data or hitting the actual APIs.
yarn install
yarn run client-dependencies
yarn run dev
This will require you to provide some SSL certificates. You will need to onboard to JP Morgan to access this information. Further details are available here.
Once you have the correct files ready you can upload them to your server (DO NOT COMMIT THESE FILES TO YOUR CODEBASE). As we are using codesandbox the information for these files are stored in secret keys.
To change the code to use ssl files:
1. Navigate to [dataController.js](./server/dataController.js)
2. Uncomment these lines and change file path to your ssl file location:
// const key = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../unicorns/private.key'));
// const cert = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../unicorns/unicorn.crt'));
3. Delete these lines:
const key = process.env.KEY && process.env.KEY.replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
const cert = process.env.CERT && process.env.CERT.replace(/\\n/g, '\n');
yarn install
yarn run client-dependencies
yarn run dev
Navigate to localhost:3000
yarn run test
These are coming from react scripts package, with open issue: