
A proof-of-concept to use GoPro telemetry to automatically adjust roll, pitch, and yaw in processed equirectangular videos.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A proof-of-concept to use gopro-telemetry to automatically adjust roll, pitch, and yaw in processed equirectangular videos/

Read this post for a bit more information about our thought processes in building this: https://www.trekview.org/blog/2022/calculating-heading-of-gopro-video-using-gpmf-part-1/


  1. First extract the telemetry file (as json) from your GoPro video using gopro-telemetry. Detailed instructions about how to do this can be found in this post.
  2. Install required packages pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Add arguments in command line

python3 main.py [.json telemetry file] [--plot] [--video_input] [--mode]
  • --plot argument is optional, only put some value when plots are required
  • --video_input argument is optional, only put some value if you want to modify a video, in which case you also need to pass
    • --video_input the input video
    • --mode either unworldlock, level_roll, level_pitch (see examples)

A note on level_pitch

This script will not work if the camera is upside down, between 90 - 180 and -180 to -90.

Example usage

The sample videos used in this readme are available here.

1. To just update the .json file with new data

python3 main.py	docs/GS010013-worldlock.json

2. To update the .json file with new data and create plots of the roll pitch yaw and magnetic heading

python3 main.py docs/GS010013-worldlock.json --plot true

3. To adjust yaw of video processed with World Lock mode = true to original of a 360 video

python3 main.py docs/GS010013-worldlock.json --video_input docs/GS010013-worldlock.mp4 --mode unworldlock

4. To automatically level the roll (horizon) of a 360 video with a plot

python3 main.py docs/GS010011-roll.json --plot true --video_input docs/GS010011.mp4 --mode level_roll

5. To automatically level the pitch of a 360 video

python3 main.py docs/GS010010-pitch.json --video_input docs/GS010010.mp4 --mode level_pitch

Camera support

This script has been tested and confirmed working for:

  • GoPro MAX running firmware: H19. (shows on camera LCD as 02.00)

How it works

1. Calculating yaw, pitch and roll values

Camera orientation CORI is a relative measurement (the orientation relative to the orientation the sensor had when the acquisition started). It is reported in Quaternions in the order w,x,y,z in gopro-telemetry.


To calculate yaw, pitch and roll values from this data we take the four Quarternation values (Euler Parameters) and convert them into Euler angles on each axis.

The equations to do this are somewhat complex, as you'll see from a cursory scan of this Wikipedia article; Conversion between Quaternions and Euler angles, or by examining the code in main.py.

2. Calculating heading values

Values from the Magnetometer are reported in the axis order z,x,y in MicroTeslas in gopro-telemetry.


To calculate heading values we first sync MAGN samples with their closest CORI sample.

Once the times have been synced and each MAGN sample has a corresponding CORI sample we can calculate the magnetic heading using the formula:

Mx = mx * cos(p) + my * sin(p)
My = mx * cos(r) * sin(p) + my * cos(r) + mz * sin(r) * cos (p)
M_yaw = atan2(My,Mx)


  • mx = magnetometer x reading
  • my = magnetometer y reading
  • mz = magnetometer z reading
  • r = roll angle
  • p = pitch angle

Be careful not to confuse My and my / Mx and mx (they are different variables). For clarity; my is the magnetic component in y direction, My is the output of the second equation which is approximately corrected y component of the magnetic field. The same explanation applies for Mx and mx.

3. Writing new values to gopro-telemetry

This script then writes out a new telemetry file (INPUT-calculated.json) with the following values:

  • RPYR:
    • name: roll, pitch, yaw (y,x,z)
    • units: radians
    • cts: milliseconds since video start
  • RPYD
    • name: roll, pitch, yaw (y,x,z)
    • units: degrees
    • cts: milliseconds since video start
  • HEAR
    • name: magnetic heading
    • units: radians
    • cts: milliseconds since video start
  • HEAD
    • name: magnetic heading
    • units: degrees
    • cts: milliseconds since video start

Notes on calculated data

For reference, here's a sample of the first and last HEAD entry in a telemetry file to demo the structure of the object;

"HEAD": {
	"samples": [
			"value": 2.4325704405863235,
			"cts": 189.758,
			"date": "2022-06-08T11:46:54.225Z"


			"value": -1.9311572331906321,
			"cts": 21121.995333333347,
			"date": "2022-06-08T11:47:15.591Z"
	"name": "magnetic heading",
	"units": "degrees"

You can see the -calculated.json files with all fields listed in the /docs directory of this repository.

Magnetic Heading


Values between -pi to pi (0 is North) (radians)


Values between 0 and 360 (0 is North, 90 is East, etc.) (degrees)

Graphs shown below for example Roll, Pitch, Yaw videos.

(y) Roll (RPYD)

Values between -180 and 180 (degrees).

Video input:



python3 main.py docs/GS010011-roll.json --plot true --video_input GS010011.mp4 --mode level_roll


RPY GS010011.mp4

Magnetic heading GS010011.mp4

Adjusted video:


(x) Pitch (RPYD)

Values between -90 and 90 (degrees).

Video input:



python3 main.py docs/GS010010-pitch.json --plot true --video_input docs/GS010010.mp4 --mode level_pitch


RPY GS010010.mp4

Magnetic heading GS010010.mp4

Adjusted video:


(z) Yaw (RPYD)

Values between -180 and 180 (degrees)



python3 main.py docs/GS010012-yaw.json --plot true


RPY GS010012.mp4

Magnetic heading GS010012.mp4

4. Use to level / adjust video

This proof of concept was developer with 3 use-cases in mind

4.1 Adjustment for World Lock (--unworldlock)

World Lock fixes the heading of the video (so the video always faces the same compass heading).

One aim was to reverse the World Lock setting and show video using the true heading of the cameras front lens.

To do this, we assume the first HEAD value to be the World Lock heading (aka the heading all the frames are fixed to).

Then all that's required is to subtract the World Lock heading from the true compass heading (reported in the telemetry) to get the yaw off-set for the frame and use-open CV to modify the frame appropriately (although executed differently, the logic to do this is described in detail here)

4.1.1 Example

Video input:


python3 main.py docs/GS010013-worldlock.json --plot true --video_input docs/GS010013-worldlock.mp4 --mode unworldlock


RPY GS010013-worldlock.mp4

Magnetic heading GS010013-worldlock.mp4


4.1.2 Note on adjusting Yaw in non-World Lock Videos

Let's say your camera is mounted to a monopod and is a few degrees in the wrong direction (perhaps your helmet mount isn't perfectly straight). In this case you can use a fixed offset in ffmpeg (no need for this script) to the frames using the v360 filter. Here is an example adjusting yaw by 3 degrees):

ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -vf v360=e:e:yaw=3 OUTPUT.mp4

4.2 Auto level roll (--level_roll)

Roll in video can cause the horizon to sway from side to side. By leveling roll, you can keep the horizon level.

To do this, we assume yaw (x) = 0 to be level. Any frames where x does not equal 0 means the camera is rolling.

All that's then needed is to take the difference between the roll reported in the telemetry and 0 to get the roll offset for the frame and use ffmpeg to adjust accordingly.

4.3 Auto level pitch (--level_pitch)

This one was more for fun. We didn't really have a true use-case for it, but wanted to

Similar to roll, we assume pitch (y) = 0 to be level. Any frames where y does not equal 0 means the camera is pitching.

All that's then needed is to take the difference between the pitch reported in the telemetry and 0 to get the pitch offset for the frame and use ffmpeg to adjust accordingly.


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