
Quickly import and process TileKit maps in DOME

Example main.wren

import "graphics" for Canvas, Color, ImageData, Point, Font
import "dome" for Process, Window, Platform
import "io" for FileSystem

import "./tilekit-helper"

var OurMap = TileMap.new("map.json")

class Main {
  construct new() {}
  init() {
    Canvas.resize(OurMap.width * OurMap.tileWidth, OurMap.height * OurMap.tileHeight)
  update() {}
  draw(alpha) {
    OurMap.draw(0, 0)
var Game = Main.new()


An instance of TileMap class contains information about a map created with TileKit. It can be used to easily manipulate, process, and draw the map the the Canvas.


construct new(jsonfile: String)

Creates a new instance of a TileMap object. String should be in same directory as this module.

Instance Fields

width: Number

Width of tilemap in tiles

height: Number

Height of tilemap in tiles

tileWidth: Number

Width of tiles in pixels

tileHeight: Number

Height of tiles in pixels

Instance Methods

getTile(x: Number, y: Number): Number

Returns tile at map coordinates (x, y)

setTile(x: Number, y: Number, tile: Number)

Sets tile at map coordinates (x, y)

drawTile(tile: Number, x: Number, y: Number)

Draw a single tile to Canvas at (x, y)

drawArea(startX: Number, startY: Number, width: Number, height: Number, destX: Number, destY: Number)

Draw a subsection of the map at (startX, startY) to (destX, destY) on Canvas

draw(x: Number, y: Number)

Draws entire TileMap to Canvas at (x, y)