- 11
[Feature]: Upgrade @headless/ui to v2
#1113 opened by andreibarabas - 2
- 4
[Feature]: React 19 support
#1072 opened by eps1lon - 0
- 5
[Bug]: Card component does not respect border-none
#1133 opened by lidermanrony - 1
[Feature]: Can you upgrade tailwind-merge?
#1121 opened by lucafaggianelli - 9
[Bug]: lot of "Error when using sourcemap for reporting an error: Can't resolve original location of error." when building using Vite
#1127 opened by ibarral - 1
[Bug]: `<AreaChart />` Doesn't Display Gradient in Firefox
#1117 opened by InBlue - 1
[Advice]: A Lot of `console.log` messages
#1130 opened by raisiqueira - 1
- 1
[Bug]: How to hide these logs?
#1128 opened by zulfio - 1
[Feature]: Padding for x axis
#1079 opened by alexbalonperin - 1
[Bug]: Text Input doesn't accept type="tel"
#1109 opened by lucafaggianelli - 1
- 1
[Feature]: Add reset To NumberInput
#1108 opened by Mirolankri - 1
[Feature]: Improvement in Date Picker.
#1118 opened by ptk-dev - 1
[Feature]: Funnel report
#1120 opened by tmskpf - 1
[Feature]: Programmatically hover over a chart.
#1115 opened by simlarsen - 2
- 0
[Feature]: Add Repobeats (metrics) to README
#1107 opened by JuanPabloDiaz - 0
[Feature]: Enable multiple X-Axis and Y-Axis for AreaCharts, LineCharts & BarCharts
#1102 opened by alexbalonperin - 1
[Feature]: HPO Graphs
#1096 opened by anaclumos - 1
[Feature]: Box plots
#1098 opened by mrporsev - 1
[Bug]: I want to show the 'Select All' option all the time, even when searching in the multi-select
#1101 opened by dhiraj-avasthi-pst - 2
[Bug]: Unable to update bar colors using `tremor-brand-default` from tailwindConfig.js
#1100 opened by aakarsh-kumar-pst - 1
- 1
- 1
[Bug]: Website UI broken
#1097 opened by harshqback - 1
Add type="search" for TextInput
#1056 opened by imclint21 - 3
- 8
- 3
[Bug]: Tremor Tabs not defaulting to value
#1088 opened by kamigerami - 0
[Feature]: Add option to make the highlighted area a click target in a bar chart
#1082 opened by tarunsachdeva - 1
- 1
- 0
[Feature]: adding phone input
#1090 opened by mkhavari01 - 3
Barchart with Rounded Corners
#1084 opened by kamigerami - 0
Multiple charts on one plot
#1085 opened by Adewole-betech - 1
[Bug]: DateRangePicker z-index can't be changed
#1083 opened by kamigerami - 1
[Feature]: Progress Circle with different color by sector
#1081 opened by biapar - 0
[Feature]: Value Formatter for x-axis
#1078 opened by Sonu-Moksha - 3
[Feature]: Stacked Funnel Chart
#1074 opened by jasperdegens - 5
BarList aligment
#1068 opened by webdiego - 1
[UTs coverage]: Add UTs for AreaChart, BarChart, SparkAreaChart, Legend components
#1064 opened by Wajahat5 - 1
[Bug]: When Tooltip overlaps on surrounding charts, the zindex seems to be too low
#1066 opened by alexbalonperin - 1
[Feature]: Progree bar color and background color
#1069 opened by ParmPanwar - 1
- 1
Rounding on barcharts?
#1063 opened by sahmed007 - 0
[Feature]: Allow displaying data labels on bar, line, pie and area through props
#1060 opened by alexbalonperin - 0
[Feature]: Provide a tailwind preset
#1057 opened by BarakChamo