
Useful helper to read and use application configuration from environment variables.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


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This is helper module that provides a nice way to read environment configuration at runtime. It's inspired by Phoenix {:system, value} definition for HTTP port.


It's available on hex.pm and can be installed as project dependency:

  1. Add confex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:confex, "~> 1.4.1"}]
  1. Ensure confex is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:confex]]


  1. Defining configurations

Define your configuration in config.ex of your application.

config :ap_cfpredictor, AssetProcessor.AMQP.Producer,
  queue: [
    name:        {:system, "OUT_QUEUE_NAME", "MyQueueOut"},
    error_name:  {:system, "OUT_ERROR_QUEUE_NAME", "MyQueueOut.Errors"},
    routing_key: {:system, "OUT_ROUTING_KEY", ""},
    durable:     {:system, "OUT_DURABLE", false},
    port:        {:system, :integer, "OUT_PORT", 1234},

List of supported formats:

* `var` - any bare values will be left as-is.
* `{:system, "ENV_NAME", default}` - read string from system ENV, return `default` if it's nil.
* `{:system, "ENV_NAME"}` - read string from system ENV, returns `nil` if environment variables doesn't exist.
* `{:system, :string, "ENV_NAME", default}` - same as `{:system, "ENV_NAME", default}`.
* `{:system, :string, "ENV_NAME"}` - same as `{:system, "ENV_NAME"}`.
* `{:system, :integer, "ENV_NAME", default}` - same as `{:system, "ENV_NAME", default}`, but will convert value to integer if it's not `nil`. Default value type **will not** be changed.
* `{:system, :integer, "ENV_NAME"}` - same as `{:system, :integer, "ENV_NAME", nil}`.
* `{:system, :boolean, "ENV_NAME", default}` - same as `{:system, "ENV_NAME", default}`, but will convert value to boolean if it's not `nil`. Default value type **will not** be changed.
* `{:system, :boolean, "ENV_NAME"}` - same as `{:system, :boolean, "ENV_NAME", nil}`.
* `{:system, :atom, "ENV_NAME"}`
* `{:system, :atom, "ENV_NAME", :default}`
* `{:system, :module, "ENV_NAME"}`
* `{:system, :module, "ENV_NAME", Default}`
  1. Reading configuration

Read string values:

iex> confex.get(:myapp, MyKey)

Read integer values:

confex.get(:myapp, MyIntKey)

Read map values:

confex.get(:myapp, MyIntKey)
[a: 123, b: "abc"]
  1. Using macros

Confex is supplied with helper macros that allow to attach configuration to specific modules of your application.

defmodule Connection do
  use Confex, otp_app: :myapp

Connection in this case will read configuration from app :myapp with key Connection. Also it will provide helper function config/0 that will return values at run-time.

  1. Configuration validation

Sometimes you want to validate configuration, for this you can define def validate_config(config) method, that will be called on each config/0 usage.

Confex doesn't give opinions on a validator to be used in overrided methods.

Configuration priorities

By using Confex macro in your module, you allow to provide compile-time defaults for it.

  1. Declare module
defmodule MyModule do
  use Confex
  1. Provide defaults when using it
use MyModule,
  otp_all: :myapp,
  host: {:system, "HOST"}

This configs will overwritten by any configuration that you have in your application env.

Helpful links