
The zfs_auto_snapshot module installs and configures the zfs-auto-snapshot package. Default settings are as packaged version.

Primary LanguageRuby


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with zfs_auto_snapshot
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality


The zfs_auto_snapshot module installs and configures the zfs-auto-snapshot package. Default settings are as packaged version.


Beginning with zfs_auto_snapshot

include zfs_auto_snapshot is enough to get you up and running. To pass in parameters specifying which servers to use:

class { 'zfs_auto_snapshot':
  keep_hourly_snaps => 48,


All parameters for the ntp module are contained within the main zfs_auto_snapshot class, so for any function of the module, set the options you want.

Sets non-default retention for all periods of zfs snapshots

class { 'zfs_auto_snapshot':
  keep_15min_snaps   => 96,
  keep_hourly_snaps  => 48,
  keep_daily_snaps   => 100,
  keep_weekly_snaps  => 52,
  keep_monthly_snaps => 0,

Configure zfs-auto-snapshot from Hiera

zfs_auto_snapshot::keep_15min_snaps: 48
zfs_auto_snapshot::keep_hourly_snaps: 72
zfs_auto_snapshot::keep_daily_snaps: 100
zfs_auto_snapshot::keep_weekly_snaps: 52
zfs_auto_snapshot::keep_monthly_snaps: 0


This module has only been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS