
A more human-level calendar app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A small React App that shows a zoomable, pan-able, linear calendar with sunrise, sunset, and moon cycles.


I don't like traditional calendars -- they don't help me plan things effectively. When you look at a traditional calendar, the year is divided into arbitrary months with each month given its own sheet. That means I don't start thinking about the middle of the next month until the current month is over. This is a disconnect with how I actually experience time -- not divided into arbitrary increments, but with one day following the other. Therefore I set out to make a calendar that is more realistic.


I used the calculations from this NOAA PDF to calculate the sunrise and sunsets for my (approximate) location.

This uses React-timeseries-charts for the plotting.


  • Add phases of Moon
  • Add Baselines for Solstices and Equinoxes
  • Add graph of hours of daylight
  • Make Responsive
  • label offset in days relative to today
  • Deploy

Building and running on localhost

First install dependencies:

npm install

To run in hot module reloading mode:

npm start

To create a production build:

npm run build-prod

To deploy:

npm run deploy


Open the file dist/index.html in your browser


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