A crude, rude, slow, and disk heavy crawler to find you the unicorn product to sell on Amazon. This uses OpenCV and compares product images on both Amazon & AliExpress to help find products you can buy cheap on AE, and sell high on Amazon. Good Luck!
- AlvazzAlaska
- antlerhandsGainesville, FL
- bbarclayUNNU
- berkayunal
- birdievera
- BrandonR541
- calvinti12
- canwe
- dazajuandanielAustralia
- devinbethel
- Eduard-HasaHASA
- evnbSteven Institute of Technology
- FoxxD3V
- GuillaumeCyber127.0.0.1
- htnha
- iAhsanJavedPakistan
- iDijkstra
- ishan-marikar@team-watchdog
- kenromka
- kindertheoFrance
- listOfL
- llazzaro:+1:
- maksprotsykUCU
- marcosfelt@Merck
- ngfw
- PauloRManso
- PirateCool
- pratikbarjatyaIndia
- RollingInCodeAlumni
- sitchNYC
- tech10ment
- Valaia
- VictorS125
- vitorlcSão Paulo
- yordanramshev
- yurikorolov