- 1
TEragwitz Error
#38 opened by lindseyawilson - 13
negative transfer entropy?
#15 opened by brekels - 7
- 1
Negative TE values.
#37 opened by binbin-liu-git - 4
minimum number of trials
#28 opened by Fatima-h22 - 1
Error detected in the GPU (check console)
#36 opened by Xirailuyo - 8
TE for non stationary short time series
#29 opened by ogamimusashi - 6
Error using fnearneigh_gpu
#19 opened by dpdarrow - 4
libgpuKnnLibrary.lib not found
#27 opened by anupdas777 - 6
- 1
Mutual information between two variables
#35 opened by asadmalik85 - 0
- 2
- 0
Compatible with fieldtrip
#33 opened by aliekhlasi - 3
tstool nn_prepare.mexmaci64 "Library not found"
#31 opened by phullett - 2
less than mininmum nr of trials reached ACT threshold criteria - to solve the problem change the ACT threshold (cfg.actthrvalue) or remove the bad channel combinations
#32 opened by keshavbk - 4
- 1
cuda 'make' problem
#26 opened by mnnahvi - 4
range_search.m issue
#25 opened by rsipahi - 8
Error during install
#10 opened by delee1000 - 5
- 1
cao.m is missing
#23 opened by DarcyZhuoLiu - 2
How to tune parameters for lag estimation?
#24 opened by currymj - 1
A problem in the TEtrialselect.m
#22 opened by DarcyZhuoLiu - 3
cfg.tau number elements zero
#17 opened by GowthamBio - 2
- 4
number of permutations
#5 opened by DiBeck - 1
parallel code in `TEprepare.m` needs update
#12 opened by dwuab - 2
- 3
Saving results of TE Computation
#14 opened by mgkabadi - 8
Q: How can TERagwitz.m gain from GPU?
#13 opened by dwuab - 1
Error during install.m
#11 opened by renzocom - 1
- 1
example_script_CPUmethod.m error
#7 opened by dwuab - 2
Trouble with analyzing precise timewindows
#8 opened by goocy - 0
- 2
Data for the examples
#6 opened by DiBeck - 2