
Script gets public Google calendar and displays list of events.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Script gets public Google calendar and displays list of events.
Example: http://www.kacurak.com/formatgooglecalendar/example.html

How to install

###Step 1: Link required files

<!-- jQuery library -->
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<!-- FormatGoogleCalendar Javascript file -->
<script src="/js/format-google-calendar.js"></script>

###Step 2: Create HTML markup

<ul id="events-upcoming">
<ul id="events-past">

###Step 3: Call the FormatGoogleCalendar



  • calendarUrl (string, url of a public Google calendar)
  • past (boolean, determines if past events should be displayed)
  • upcoming (boolean, determines if upcoming events should be displayed)
  • sameDayTimes (boolean, determines whether to show times for single-day events)
  • dayNames (boolean, determines whether to show day names, beta feature)
  • pastTopN (integer, number of latest past events, -1 means display all)
  • upcomingTopN (integer, number of upcoming events, -1 means display all)
  • recurringEvents (boolean, determines if recurring events should be shown as multiple events)
  • itemsTagName (string, tagname of each event item)
  • upcomingSelector (string, selector name of a parent element of upcoming events)
  • pastSelector (string, selector name of a parent element of past events)
  • upcomingHeading (string, heading of upcoming events)
  • pastHeading (string, heading of past events)
  • format (array, describes format in which should be data displayed, it is a list of strings where wildcards are *date*, *summary*, *description*, *location*, if a string is a different value than a wildcard the string will be appended to the final output)

Example of initialization

calendarUrl: 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/milan.kacurak@gmail.com/events?key=AIzaSyCR3-ptjHE-_douJsn8o20oRwkxt-zHStY',
past: false,
upcoming: true,
sameDayTimes: true,
dayNames: true,
pastTopN: -1,
upcomingTopN: 3,
recurringEvents: true,
itemsTagName: 'li',
upcomingSelector: '#events-upcoming',
pastSelector: '#events-past',
upcomingHeading: '<h2>Upcoming events</h2>',
pastHeading: '<h2>Past events</h2>',
format: ['*date*', ': ', '*summary*', ' — ', '*description*', ' in ', '*location*']