
A Simple Router in PHP using MVC pattern

Primary LanguagePHP


A Simple Router in PHP using MVC pattern


Simon Trichereau

With 404 page version

To get the version with the 404page, switch your branch to : version404
git checkout version404

Configuration instructions

  1. Install the project
  2. Modify assets/php/functions/routes.php to add all your routes from your Site :
    • $route->add('URL','MODEL');
    • $route->add('URL:PARAMETER','MODEL');
  3. Add a Model (REQUIRED), a Controller and a View assets/php/elements/models/, assets/php/elements/controllers/ and assets/php/elements/views/ for each Route you've created
  4. The routes return the link to the Model, which include controller and view to the page
  5. The variables you would use
    • $pageTitle - Give a title to the page (Use it in Model or Controller)
    • $paramUrl - Use a parameter of the URl if exists (Example the ID, the name...)
    • $phpPath - If you want to modify the PATH of the php files

Installation instructions

With GIT

In your Command Line Editor, use : git clone https://github.com/trenyture/Router.git

Downloading the Zip

Click on Clone or Download button then on Download ZIP


| - .htaccess
| - index.php
| - README.md	
| ---- assets
	| ---- css
		| - main.css
	| ---- php
		| ---- functions
			| - router.php
			| - routes.php
		| ---- elements
			| - header.php
			| - footer.php
			| ---- models
				| - home.php
				| - post.php
				| - posts.php
			| ---- controllers
				| - home.php
				| - post.php
				| - posts.php
			| ---- views
				| - home.php
				| - post.php
				| - posts.php


© Simon Trichereau - 2016
This project is totally free for commercial or personnal use and modifications are welcome!

Contact information

To contact me you can send me a message to : simon.trichereau@gmail.com